I am looking to upgrade my truck to lithium and I'm investigating charging 
options.  I decided to test out a Meanwell SP-480-48.  I found a brand new one 
on Ebay for $90.   According to the spec sheet 
(http://www.meanwell.com/webapp/product/search.aspx?prod=sp-480) they are 
adjustable from 41 - 56V.  This fits within the range I use on my 48V motorcyle 
where I currently charge to 54.6 volts, as well as half my proposed 96 volt 
pack for my truck which I think I will want to charge to 49.8 volts.  The 
thought is to set the voltage where I want the pack to end up and just let it 
charge.  I will test this on my bench to make sure I'm happy with the results.
If I am happy with the results, I am then concerned with two items if I want to 
make an onboard charger for my truck out of two of these.  First, is inrush 
current.  It does not appear these are built to be constantly reconnected to 
Line voltage as the spec sheet indicates they have a typical inrush current of 
20 amps on 115v AC.  So I would need to design a simple inrush limiter, 
automated would be preferred, although a simple switch with a resistor wired 
across it is not out of the question.  Any suggestions on simple automated 
inrush circuits?  My second concern is that I doubt these are meant to travel.  
If I were to crack it open and take a look at the guts, what would be typical 
things to look for in order to ruggedize this for a mobile life.  Would it be 
easier to be sure that it is mounted in a dry ventilated space with some kind 
of rubber mounting or to actually try to protect the components on the board 
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