​My used iMiEV came with a no-name L1 charging brick.  I mean literally no
name - there's no ID on the thing, only an ETL logo and some minimal
instructions zip-tied to the power cord.  It does clearly say 120 VAC,
which surprised me.  I thought these things generally had universal input.​

I'm trying to broaden my opportunity charging opportunities, and there is a
Tesla store in a mall in my area that has a charging area in the parking
garage.  Apparently Teslas use a 14-50 (RV or electric range) outlet in
addition to their proprietary port and they have several available.  (And
the plugshare blurb shows a Leaf charging there, so it looks like they're
OK with that.  But yes, I'll ask.)

So here's my question.  A 14-50 has a neutral, so I'm pretty sure I can
adapt my brick to it by simply tapping one leg of the 240 V.  Is there
anything subtle that I'm missing?  Like if there are a bunch of these
outlets fed by a single panel and I pull 3 kW off one leg of one, is that
an issue?  Anything else?

I'm thinking it'll be fine, but I'm not comfortable deciding that on my
own.  (Such is the challenge of being an electrical dolt in an EV world.)

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