On Sat, Apr 15, 2017 at 3:06 AM, Cor van de Water via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org>

> Robert,
> Welding. Their 24V modules consist of 6 series banks of several dozen
> cells in parallel,
> It really is enlightening to look at some high-res pictures of a module,
> you can even find them
> On Ebay. You will see that each module consists of a "U" where
> alternatingly (starting from one
> Contact) the metal plate with the welded wires carries the current back
> and forth in 3 sections
> In each leg of the "U" and the contacts on the top of the "U".
> It is clearly visible in this ad for example:
> www.ebay.com/itm/10x-Tesla-18650/162462368115
> Cor.

​It seems to me the reason for each cell in a parallel group being attached
to that common sheet with a small gauge wire is that if any cell fails
short it will pop that wire as a fuse and prevent all the other cells from
shorting through that cell and setting it on fire.  Am I correct in that
assumption?  It this something that's missing from all the other
aftermarket BMS systems?

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