EVLN: Bolting From FL's Hurricane-Irma> 250mi-EV& 9kWh-solar benefits
The official end to Hurricane Season 2017 is over. It was an especially
unforgiving season and as we reflect back we wanted to share a story on how
renewable energy and electric vehicles can offer benefits. The following is
an account from two local Florida residents that we interviewed on how they
fared ...
EVLN: for carrying coal (scratching head)
Chinese Yard Launches Battery-Powered Coal Carrier
CSSC subsidiary Guangzhou Shipyard International (GSI) launched what may be
the world's first all-electric, battery-powered inland coal carrier. The
2,000 dwt vessel will carry bulk cargo for up to 40 nm per charge along a
stretch of the Pearl River at speeds of up to 7 knots ...
EVLN: PV canopy feeds 8 L2-3kW EVSE @Cherokee Nation Tahlequah-OK
Cherokee Nation celebrates first tribal solar canopy EV charging ...
It is capable of charging up to eight electric vehicles and also provides
about 58,000 kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity to the tribal complex each
year, equivalent ...

(ot) NREL demos solar glass smart window prototype> reached 11.3% efficiency
Solar powered smart windows break 11% efficiency  The National Renewable
Energy Laboratory, (NREL), has demonstrated a prototype of a solar powered
smart window. The smart window lowers building temperatures by shifting from
clear to opaque under strong sunlight. When the shift to opaque occurs, the
solar prototype begins electricity production ...
2 Singapore e-scooters crash on the same day> 16yrold hospitalized, 52yrold
16-year-old sent to hospital after e-scooter crash on same day 52-year-old
e-scooter rider dies in bus collision  In the third incident involving
personal mobility devices (PMD) being illegally used on the roads yesterday,
a 16-year-old boy was conveyed to the hospital after he collided with a car
while riding his electric scooter ...
Flake's amendment puts $7.5k credit in danger again: (update2 Kill-Bill ...
Early this morning, the U.S. Senate passed their major tax bill after weeks
of debate and it looks like the federal tax credit for electric vehicles is
still in danger despite some changes since the original introduction of the
bill that removed the incentive ...

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