Here's what he posted back on Oct. 26,"Hi Fred and All,    Volt are excellent 
modules but taking them apart is not wise as needs cooling flow and compression 
plus end plates, hard to seal back together, cell damage if not compressed on 
charging.So smallest module you get is 4kwh, 2 48vdc sections  at 100lbs is how 
I'm doing my E trike pickup I recently converted from lead.Though I sell these 
on the EV Trading Post at $150/kwh complete modules only, likely the Leaf 
modules will be better at less than half the weight for the amount you 
need..Unless 100lbs is good then Volt's are lower cost, better power, longer 
lasting.Most want $200/kwh on ebay for Leaf modules though haven't checked in a 
few months as I can get Volt packs locally for less. Jerry Dycus"I believe he 
still uses freedomev at 

    On Tuesday, December 12, 2017 4:38 PM, fred via EV <> 

 I found a previous discussion I started regarding Volt versus Leaf batteries. 
Jerry Dycus offered up some useful information, although I'm still undecided 
which pack to use in the Ariens Amp electric riding mower.
I've not been able to find a contact via email for Jerry, although I suspect 
I've seen it somewhere. Grey matter failure to blame here.
I'd like to re-open the discussion of the decision making for one pack over the 
other and to purchase one from Jerry, if they are still available.
How does one contact Mr. Dycus via email? It seems appropriate to take my 
discussion off-list.

If anyone has other comments regarding selecting one type over the other, 
please chime in.
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