% chocolate is humans, not dogs %

Santa swaps sleigh for electric car
15th December 2017  


Santa Goes Electric - Four Cities in Four Days

Santa has ditched the sleigh for an electric car on the UK leg of his
journey this Christmas.

The savvy marketing promotion of the new 100% electric Renault ZOE took
place around London, Cardiff, Cannock and Manchester. Santa and his elves
distributed 1,000 boxes of Montezuma’s Christmas chocolate to places where
the people deserve a treat, including a fire station, hospital, hospice and
police station.

Ashley Wade, Group Marketing Manager for Renault Retail Group said: “We were
overwhelmed with the welcome we received on our trip – Santa even got a fist
bump from a passing moped. We met some extremely special people and will
remember our day with them for a long time. What started out as a marketing
campaign soon turned into something much more, reminding us what Christmas
is really all about.”
[© ACHEMA 2018]

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