Hi Bruce,

Sorry to hear you are having those problems again. Get yourself to the hospital so they can fix things for you and don't worry about sending posts to us. The info will still be there when you feel well again. You have probably had too much stress lately with the move and the car issues, etc. Recover quickly. We will watch for you to be back to normal soon.


On 2/25/2018 11:30 PM, brucedp5 via EV wrote:

afib heart problems, again ...

I felt awful last night. my blood pressure meter kept giving odd readings
except that my heart rate is twice what it normally is.

This afib high heart rate has happened before (the heart is not pumping the
right way= low energy, +more). The last time the Dr's had to do an
Electrical Cardioversion (they kill you and then, hopefully, bring you back)

I have a VA Hospital appt. on Tues 27th to get started at that TX facility I
am switching to (then this happened, oh-boy). I am going to move my
stuff/empty-out my rented room, to my tx ice and take along my hospital bag
(encase of a long hospital stay). I am hoping my 4G tether holds out during
my long observation period laying on a gurney connected with tubes and
sensors with monitor beeps and nurse's chatter (as if no one else can hear).

So, EV news posts may be delayed.
I hope to post the items I have queued later (I am in training for a 10hr
fasting period on Tuesday starting at 1am, for an 11am lab blood draw).

I have better take a nap now, to regain some energy :-zzz

Bruce {EVangel} Parmenter

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