EVLN: Hyundai Kona billboard challenges/potshots Musk r:292mi
Tesla’s Elon Musk is directly challenged by Hyundai billboard for new Kona
Mar. 7th 2018  Several new electric vehicles have been unveiled in recent
weeks and people like to call them 'Tesla killers' or say that they are
directly aimed at competing with Tesla, which is not entirely false in some
cases. Hyundai certainly thinks so since it apparently went as far as
challenging Tesla CEO Elon Musk in billboards seen ...
EVLN: sez 2030 Dallas-TX expected to have 39k EVs
North Texas, Start Your (Electric) Engines
Mar 7, 2018 ... Dallas is expected to ... kick-start a regional move to make
it easier to travel with electric vehicles. Roughly 704 electric vehicles
were registered in the city of Dallas as of last month ... TexPIRG estimates
there are 8,500 electric vehicles operating in Texas ...

(Note wording: not an EV credit, but a climate change credit)
Drive an EV? You May Be Eligible for $50-$200 Climate Change Credit
March 5, 2018  Owners of the San Diego region's 27,000 electric and plug-in
hybrid vehicles can sign up for a credit of $50 to $200 on their electric
bills again this year. Applications for San Diego Gas & Electric's electric
vehicle climate credit will be accepted through May 31 as part of a
statewide program administered by the California Air ... photos Musk's EV in Mars orbit: e-bakkie into space= Tesla
Czech astronomer photographed a Tesla electric car in orbit
March 10, 2018  The “Tesla among the stars” has been awarded the national
prize “the Czech astrophotography of the month” for February 2018. Thanks to
Majek had more information about the position and the velocity of the remote
satellite. The electric vehicle was launched into orbit on a rocket, the
Falcon Heavy, which launched from ...

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