Cor van de Water wrote:

> Another data point to consider:
> The *cheapest* (base tariff) rate of household electricity here in Silicon
> Valley has now been raised above $0.21 per kWh.
> If you go over your baseline (about 11 kWh/day) then price increases over
> 30c/kWh which almost everyone hits.
> So, the rate of financial savings here is about 3 times as fast as you
> calculated with 10c/kWh.

Just another reason that we need to avoid generalising a specific situation as 
being applicable in general ;^>

Here (British Columbia, Canada), our base rate is $0.0884/kWh for the first 
1350kWh over a 2-month billing cycle (about 22kWh/day).

Again, the point was not to argue whether the specific values in my example 
apply to everyone (or anyone ;^), but just to illustrate that communicating the 
financial benefit of saving energy is trickier to do.



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