An EV in Central Texas?  I saw a Tesla on a local Hwy and followed it to
their charge point.
I yakked with a driver using the destination charger (below) on his white
Tesla-X 60D. The 2 guys drove from Waco (60mi North). He said still had
110mi charge left on his 200mi range EV. 

EVs are rare in this part of central TX so it was a pleasure talking with
these guys before they took off to kill the hours of L2 (level-2) charging
time they wanted, to next drive south to Austin. There is no L3 (level-3)
charging near here, but there is some farther south.
Courtyard Marriott  L2-only: Tesla (204VAC 48A 23mph) & j1772 (6kW)

My status: tomorrow I am driving the hours south to San Antonio (SA) to stay
for a week. I'm checking out places to rent that are near to the SA VA
Hospital. I should have internet connectivity tethered off my phone, all
should be transparent.

Before my 3pm SA motel check-in time, I hope to stop by where Austin is
holding their NDEW

I definitely would like to attend this one and only wish I had the youthful
energy to attend both the SA NDEW
 1st for a couple hours, and then finish the day at Austin's. But, I fear I
would fade-fast (my mind and EVangel-zeal is still young, just not my body)
... :-zzz

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