I have a 2014 Volt, which I've drove the past 2200 miles electric only.  The 
charge door on my Volt is just push it and it pops open.  Almost all new cars 
have the $300 key, they even try to sell you insurance when you buy a new car 
for the key, along with a bunch of other BS they try to sell when you buy new!  
The last car I bought new was a 1994 Saturn.  My 3 kids have had new cars 
thanks in part to grandpa, so I've had to deal with these dealerships for 
those, what a pain in the ass!

    On Saturday, October 13, 2018 7:14 PM, Tom Keenan via EV 
<ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:

 I have a 2013 Leaf.  It has a charging door open button inside at the left of 
the steering wheel.  I normally use the ‘inside’ button when I get home and the 
EV is parked for the day.  
Occasionally, I forget to unlock the door before I get out, or if I happen to 
not plug it in until later in the evening. The remote button is useful (saves 
opening the car, pressing the inside button, locking the car again) but really 
is only a small convenience.  Especially if you get the plug from the EVSE rack 
only to find you’ve forgotten to unlock the charge port door. 
I like having the remote charging door unlock on the fob, even if I only use it 
once every few weeks. 

Tom Keenan

> On Oct 13, 2018, at 2:12 PM, EVDL Administrator via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> 
> wrote:
>> On 14 Oct 2018 at 7:57, Tom Parker via EV wrote:
>> My 2016 Leaf has remote charge port opening -- the key fob has a 3rd 
>> button, if you hold it down for about 2 seconds, the door opens.
> Darned if I can see the point of this.  How hard could it be to open the 
> charging port door with your left hand, when you're standing there with the 
> charging connector in your right hand?  (Or vice versa.)  
> Maybe I'm missing something, but it seems like I'd be more trouble to get 
> the keys out and find the right button.  And then you have to hold it down 
> for a while.  Nuisance.
> OTOH, inside release fuel filler doors make sense.  They help prevent fuel 
> theft.  But with an EV, who's gonna steal your electrons?  Or is that a 
> thing now somehow?  Or EV charging port vandalism?  If so, does a remote 
> release really help?
> David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
> EVDL Administrator

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