On 10/14/2018 08:45 AM, mark hanson via EV wrote:

I believe you have consistently made a couple of assertions that I consider to be erroneous. If you can cite sources to support, I would be eager to see them.

Exactly Lee! So probably the real reason I won’t buy a Tesla is I can’t
afford one (because of the thousands of itty bitty cells that make it
expensive to manufacturer).  I’m still concerned about the long term

By all accounts and estimates I've seen, the Tesla batteries are FAR cheaper than any competition.

reliability and business model of a lower cost (aprox $30K) car that can’t
afford to have “Tesla Rangers” field service guys running out to your house
when the battery burps – like they do now on the high priced Teslas to cover

You have at least twice said or implied that Tesla does traction battery repairs in customer driveways. That is emphatically not the case. Even service centers do not work on traction batteries. They are removed and replaced at service centers but all traction batteries in need of repair/refurbishment are sent to California. Perhaps you have confused 12v lead batteries with traction batteries. Rangers DO routinely replace 12v batteries in customer's driveways. That along with many other minor repairs. I KNOW the Ranger service is cheaper and more convenient for customers. I BELIEVE it is probably cheaper for Tesla to deal with minor repairs in that way.

up the issues.  As far as I know they haven’t shipped any lower priced Tesla
3’s and would be surprised if they could turn a profit *without going to
large format cells like all other EV manufacturers*.  Not sure if Elon
Musk’s Ego will let him  make that change though, like Edison with DC who
had to be forced out of GE (When Tesla had a better idea with AC) Déjà Vu

A very odd view. Tesla IS vested in small cells. The results have been spectacular. Not only in cars but in grid storage. Can you point me to an EV manufacturer who has been even close to as successful as Tesla? Something like 250k cars delivered in the USA. Maybe 100k+ to other places in the world. Each and every one with small cells. Many have reached several hundred thousand miles of service. I contend that Tesla will continue to use small lithium cells until something better comes along. You saying that large format cells are better/cheaper does not make it so.

You seem to complain that Tesla is satisfying the high profit high end part of the market before it goes after the low/mid range? A reasonable business strategy I would call it. Anything else could put the company's survival at risk. I agree that a $35k Model 3 will not be available until sometime in 2019.

I have to say that I was initially skeptical of Tesla's use of small LiCo cells. I thought we would be having numerous fires and Tesla would be bankrupt. I freely admit now that I was initially wrong. We can mostly thank old EVDLer JB Straubel for Tesla's engineering excellence.

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