Differential Voltage.
Similar to emergency handling of a downed power line: do not take big steps to 
get away from the line, you may bridge a large enough voltage in the ground 
with your legs, to send a dangerous current through your body.
If a live circuit or a lightning strike power the water in one spot, the 
resistance of the water will cause a voltage differential that will become 
smaller the further you go away from the place.
If your body experiences enough voltage gradient, the current through your body 
can be large enough to be electrocuted while in water.
In a car, your surroundings are metal, though they are not made for good 
electrical contact, so a metal door panel may still have a difference potential 
than the chassis of the car unless the wiring loom has a conductor that ties 
the door to the chassis, for example to prevent a door light to flicker while 
opening/closing the door. If not present, touching the door may be hazardous 
when there is power touching the car. Similar to the case of a truck where the 
taillights are lit through return path of the bed. If you make a tilt-up bed, 
suddenly your taillights become wonky because the bed is no longer bolted down 
to the chassis and you need to add a strap: a wire between bed and chassis to 
explicitly tie them together in voltage potential, so the taillights have a 
return path for the current.

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: JoeS. via EV
Sent: Saturday, November 10, 2018 2:00 PM
To: ev@lists.evdl.org
Cc: JoeS.
Subject: Re: [EVDL] ?Is this an EV or Watt?: ?Is it a Volt, Bolt, 
Prius?>crashed in Canby-OR

/Chris wrote: I'm an electrical dolt, but I thought there is no danger in
handling an EV
in water because there is no potential relative to ground.  Even if
isolation has been compromised and the body is hot, it would be hard to get
two parts of the body at different potentials./
For that very reason I've always been mystified how someone swimming in a
pool not touching anything could be electrocuted...

Joe Siudzinski
Sent from: http://electric-vehicle-discussion-list.413529.n4.nabble.com/
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