While I thank Gail for the post, I disagree with Peter as IMO this is not
accurate information.

NPR has a very, very long-long history of not reporting EVs, nor vehicles
correctly. They have no problem with interviewing bogus, biased people that
pontificate their imagined fears.

It is fraught with opinions (not facts), prejudicial thoughts and biases,
making the time spent listing or reading their test transcript a waste of
time. However, EVangels are going to run into the public who have heard/read
this NPR and now parrot/repeat it as fact (when it isn't). So in that sense
it is good for EVangels to know where it came from, thus how much more work
they have ahead of them to undo this opinionated disinformation.
Since many auton are going to be EVs, this will reflect badly on them.

The audio .mp3 is 30+ minutes long, but I had to stop listening to it when
the author spoke with 'people of color' (as if Caucasian whites were normal,
etc.). IMO, there is a whole lot tainted/based-on-fear in that guy's

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