Koch-Funded Groups Still Begging Congress to Kill the Electric Car Tax
May 9, 2019  Ben Jervey

Electric car with tax credit form

A coalition of free market advocacy groups, led by former Koch Industries
lobbyist, urged Congress on Thursday not to extend the electric vehicle (EV)
tax credit. In a letter rife with easily discredited and false statements,
this coalition sent its plea to the leaders of the Senate Finance Committee
and the House Ways and Means Committee.

Most of the 34 groups are funded by the petrochemical billionaire Koch
brothers’ donor network or have ties to Koch Industries. And most of the
references cited in the letter have clear, demonstrable ties to Koch
Industries and Koch funding.

The episode echoes a similar sequence from last September, when many of the
same groups sent a comparable letter after Senator Jeff Merkley (D-Oregon)
and others introduced the Electric Cars Act of 2018.

The letter is further evidence of this network of Koch-affiliated groups
ramping up their opposition to the EV tax credit.

“The American Energy Alliance (AEA) has organized a coalition to proclaim in
one unified voice that there should be no expansion of the misguided
electric vehicle tax credit,” Tom Pyle, president of the AEA and a former
lobbyist for Koch Industries, wrote in a statement, first published by The
Daily Caller News Foundation, which has received more than $2.6 million from
the Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation since 2013. (That article, it’s
worth mentioning, was published at 5:10 am EDT on Thursday, before the
letter could have been delivered. Evidently, the Koch-funded think tanks
gave the Koch-funded website an advance copy.)

Which Koch-Tied Groups Signed the Anti-EV Letter?

The letter fails to disclose that most of the signatory groups depend on
funding from the oil and gas industries, or specifically from the Koch
brothers’ petrochemical refining businesses — industries that electric cars
threaten the most.

DeSmog laid out the Koch connections to many of these signatories last
September. Some notable additions to this coalition are failed Federal
Reserve Board nominee Stephen Moore and Wayne Winegarden, the author of a
Pacific Research Institute study that is often cited in attacks on electric

Here’s the full list of signatories:

    Tom Pyle, American Energy Alliance
    Bethany Marcum, Alaska Policy Forum
    Lisa Nelson, ALEC Action
    Phil Kerpen, American Commitment
    Rick Manning, Americans for Limited Government
    David T. Stevenson, Caesar Rodney Institute
    Andrew F. Quinlan, Center for Freedom and Prosperity
    Jeffrey Mazzella, Center for Individual Freedom
    Isaac Orr, Center of the American Experiment
    Mark Mathis, Clear Energy Alliance
    David McIntosh, Club for Growth
    Caleb Rossiter, CO2 Coalition
    Stephen Moore, Committee to Unleash Prosperity
    Myron Ebell, Competitive Enterprise Institute
    Matthew Kandrach, Consumer Action for a Strong Economy
    Craig Richardson, E&E Legal
    Mandy Gunasekara, Energy 45 Fund
    Annette Meeks, Freedom Foundation of Minnesota
    Jason Pye, FreedomWorks
    George Landrith, Frontiers of Freedom
    Tim Heulskamp, The Heartland Institute
    Tim Chapman, Heritage Action for America
    Amy Oliver Cooke, Independence Institute
    Brett Healy, The John K. MacIver Institute for Public Policy
    Kory Swanson, John Locke Foundation
    Seton Motley, Less Government
    Jason Hayes, Mackinac Center for Public Policy
    Harry C. Alford, National Black Chamber of Commerce
    Kirk Uhler, National Tax Limitation Committee
    Wayne Winegarden, Pacific Research Institute
    Bette Grande, Roughrider Policy Center
    David Williams, Taxpayers Protection Alliance
    John Tintera, Texas Alliance of Energy Producers
    Kevin Roberts, Texas Public Policy Foundation

The Koch-Funded Citations in the American Energy Alliance EV Tax Credit
Letter to Congress

The letter pushes many variations of the same debunked talking point — that
the EV tax credit only benefits the rich. To support this claim, they cite
four studies or reports and one poll. Three of those studies were funded by
Koch money, and the poll was paid for by the American Energy Alliance, and
conducted by a Koch lobbyist. 

One by one:
Citation: American Energy Alliance, ”New Survey: Voters (Still) Find Vehicle
Subsidies 'Unfair'”

Quote: “Subsidies for electric vehicles are unpopular.”

Reality: This classic push poll was commissioned by the Koch-funded American
Energy Alliance and conducted by MWR Strategies, a lobbying firm with
clients including Koch Industries and the American Fuel & Petrochemical
Manufacturers. See DeSmog’s earlier coverage of this poll.
Citation: Pacific Research Institute, “Government Electric Car Subsidies Are
‘Costly Subsidies for the Rich,' Finds New Study”

Quote: “Subsidies for electric vehicles overwhelmingly benefit the rich. A
recent study found that 79 percent of electric vehicle tax credits were
claimed by households with an adjusted gross income of more than $100,000 a

Reality: This “recent” study relies solely on data from 2014 to make the
claim, and doesn’t factor in the roll of leased electric cars, which
outnumber sales, rendering the findings essentially meaningless. For more
background on this deceptive study and talking point here, check out this
Koch vs Clean EV Facts page.

Citation: Manhattan Institute, “Short Circuit: The High Cost of Electric
Vehicle Subsidies”

Quote: “Electric vehicles are not cleaner than modern internal combustion
engines. As explained in a recent study from the Manhattan Institute, new
internal combustion engines combined with low-sulfur gasoline emit barely
any pollution.”

Reality: By cherry-picking data, disregarding greenhouse gas emissions, and
conducting analysis based on discredited assumptions, the study's author
Jonathan Lesser actually claims that widespread adoption of electric cars
would increase air pollution and have a negligible impact on the global
climate. DeSmog has more on this often-debunked study.
Reference: NERA, “Economic Impacts of Eliminating the Manufacturers’ Cap on
the Plug-In Electric Vehicle Tax Credit”

Quote: “Expanding the electric vehicle tax credit will be a net harm to

Reality: This “study” was literally commissioned by a subsidiary of Koch
Industries called Flint Hill Resources. (NERA also produced a key report
defending the tobacco industry, paid for by Phillip Morris, in the 1990s.)
DeSmog covered this study’s release last November.

To recap: a bunch of groups funded by the Kochs' petroleum refining fortunes
are fighting against the policy that poses the biggest threat to petroleum
refining, using references to reports and studies and polls also paid for by
the Kochs' oil money.

Let's hope Congress remembers to check the references and consider the
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