Hi folks
It seems that it's cheaper for taking long road trips to buy a Prius Prime vs a 
pricier Tesla or Bolt with a 60kwh battery pack and pay an average of 28c per 
kWh average on the road at level 3 fast charging stations.  We have shorter 
range cheaper EVs (Spark bought 1 year old for $14k and Leaf $9.2k). At $3 a 
gallon/50 = 6c per mile and at 28c per kWh / 4 (ac meas)= 7c per mile in a long 
range EV (also have to pay $40k for the car with the 60kwh or so battery pack). 
Maybe it's better for the environment to drive a long range EV but for your 
wallet the Prius Prime and a shorter range EV for 90% miles local trips makes 
more sense.  
Have a renewable energy day,

Sent from my iPhone
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