On 5/23/19 12:14 PM, EVDL Administrator via EV wrote:
I hope it doesn't happen.  Tesla has done a lot to push the entire industry
forward.  Losing that competition could really slow down EV development.

IMHO, TSLA is experiencing yet another round of FUD.

Two examples:
Consumer's Reports has been reported as being dissatisfied with AutoPilot. Recent report is that CU is unhappy with the performance under a single setting of Navigate on AutoPilot. And is positive on AutoPilot in general. Widely reported is the view that Tesla has hit the wall on Model 3 demand. Recent report is that 2nd quarter is likely to be a record breaker.

The FUD has been with us since Tesla's beginnings. Does anyone recall the seemingly endless sequence of "Tesla Killers" that have been touted on Seeking Alpha? Not a single one has offered or has any prospect of offering any competition for Tesla.

In my view, Tesla simply has NO competition. No competitor is capable of producing a car that can compete on price, performance, safety, or any other parameter. Or be produced in volume. No one else has a significant battery supply. No one else can compete with the SuperCharging network. It seems likely that no one else can compete on price especially considering battery costs and supply problems. To top it off, no one else has ANY self driving cars on road and none for sale or near production or sale. Tesla has hundreds of thousands of cars on the road that (we hope/believe) will become Full Self Driving with a software update.
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