Inefficent yes, but hooking up 2 wires is a lot easier than building one out
of copper, plywood, glass and paint.  With solar panels costing only 25
cents per watt (on a good deal) then the investment in 4 panels (800W) is
about $275 and totally maintenance free.  Where as cobbling together one
will only work in the summer, or if you want to use antifreeze, then you
have to add pumps and heat exchangers, etc.  And will it work 20 years
without any attention?

But you are right.  You can triple the efficiency with a modern heatpump
water heater, BUT then it wont run on DC, so then you have to have 4 times
more panels and then do the grid-tie-only-when-running trick, and it simply
is not worth it.  Better to just bight the bullet and be grid tied.

Oh, I assume you have seen the articles that thermal solar hot water heating
was dead in 2008 and now is considered dead-dead-dead.  It is more efficient
and economical to do grid-tie solar and a heatpump water heater.  Because
since 2005, price of PV panels has dropped ten to one and heatpump water
heater is 3 times more efficient.  (combined, then is 30 times more cost
effective than it used to be.  Plus, the biggie, is that for every drop of
hot water you do not use, then you still get full 100% retail value for your
solar energy.  Whereas with thermal solar, unless you use 100% of  your hot
water every single day, then your thermal panels are doing nothing once the
tank is hot.

-----Original Message-----
From: EV <> On Behalf Of Jan Steinman via EV
Subject: Re: [EVDL] Solar off grid with an EV? (DC AC/heatpumps and

> From: Robert Bruninga <>
> … using about 4 Solar panels
> for the bottom coil in a water heater are a good  idea.  You need hot
> water every day, and so this gives you 100% effectiveness of these 4
> or so panels.

Seems like a horribly inefficient way of heating water!

Direct solar hot water is a much better use of resources and solar energy.
Someone who's handy can easily cobble one up out of copper tubing, plywood,
glass, and some flat-black spray paint.


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