The blue led is the timer time out after the yellow voltage limit led comes on.

If the rotary switch is set to 3 o'clock, it times out immediately after the yellow led comes on.

Does the yellow come on along with the blue?

On 8/6/2019 2:47 PM, Christopher Darilek via EV wrote:
I scored a Manzanita PFC20 charger to round out my Zilla setup and wonder if 
anyone has advice - I did the volts trim so that it stopped charging at 99.6V. 
Now when the battery is at 98.4V is will not start back up when I flip the 
breaker, even if I turn the voltage trim way up. The blue LED is On solid.

I'd like to trim it to 103V but I can't get it to charge now. I can't get the 
blue LED to turn Off, even if I unplug everything for a few mins.

I'm not sure what voltage pack it was setup for prior. Do I need to mess with 
the auto restart potentiometer VR6 behind the faceplate? Or follow the elithion 

I'm looking at the Programming section of Elithion Lithiumate manual - 
Manzanita Micro (I have a lithiumate BMS).

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Elithion Lithiumate manual - Manzanita Micro

Manzanita Micro: Installing and programming a Manzanita Micro charger with a 
Lithiumate BMS..



And the Steps For Setting The Auto Restart Set Point section of
Thanks,ChrisChris' 1972 BMW 2002

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Chris' 1972 BMW 2002




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