I listened to it. He provides no evidence of manipulation.  I’m not saying that 
it’s not happening, but he hasn’t provided it. 

But back to the specific point. He NEVER says that the oil companies are 
colluding. He says that the short sellers are colluding in order to make money.

And as an aside, he does point out an issue that I think helps make the company 
ripe for short sellers - Musk overpromises, and then doesn’t deliver what he 
promises. (Yes, what he has delivered has been phenomenal, but that’s neither 
here nor there.)

So the stock (which seems to be overpriced under any accepted method for 
evaluation) rises on his overpromises, and then the shorts come in, betting he 
won’t deliver on those promises.

- Mark

Sent from my Fuel Cell powered iPhone

> On Aug 20, 2019, at 4:12 AM, paul dove <dov...@bellsouth.net> wrote:
> Three minutes and 50 seconds into the video. Hear is for yourself. 
> https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ArEH7Ts0HXY
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Aug 19, 2019, at 10:56 PM, Mark Abramowitz <ma...@enviropolicy.com> wrote:
>> Big Oil companies are behind many short sellers seeking to sink the shares 
>> of Tesla, a wealth manager has said
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