> Use one of these:
> https://postimages.org/
> http://www.uploadhouse.com/
> Neither site even requires registration.  It's easy, just point and click
> with your browser.  The photo posts, and they give you the URL for viewing.

A note of caution: Be sure you read and agree completely with the user agreement on ~any~ "free" sites that you upload content to. Many of them have been known to bury verbiage in the agreement that give them complete ownership and usage rights to *your* photos, once you upload them!

Also, don't expect your images to forever be at the address they provide. Some sites actually recycle image addresses periodically, resulting in sometimes surprising and potentially embarrassing random images coming up when the image is viewed in the future.

For my part, I'd rather not see images or articles posted here that require logging in to any other service, they just raise the noise floor on the list, as some of us never will see them. Some mailing lists have stringent rules about this practice.

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