I agree with Bill. I for one get tired of not being able to buy what I want 
because the mass market is the only market being reliably served.

On November 24, 2019 9:26:47 a.m. CST, Bill Woodcock via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> 
>I think a lot of problems arise from everybody trying to appeal to the
>mythical average person, instead of just doing interesting things well,
>and seeing who likes it. 
>Tesla isn’t Ford. They can’t produce millions of trucks, and they’d be
>failing in their mission if they did so. So it would be foolish of them
>to restrict their design to only address a market that’s already
>well-covered by Ford/GM/Dodge, when they can, instead, do something far
>more interesting, and address a market that isn’t already served, but
>which is simultaneously still larger than they can fully satisfy.
>He took a bet that that niche wasn’t near zero, and he was correct. 
>Knowing what I know about diversity of consumer preference, I don’t
>think it was a very risky bet. 
>                -Bill
>> On Nov 24, 2019, at 04:24, EVDL Administrator via EV
><ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:
>> Obviously I don't know anything about Tesla's reasons for the odd
>> and design of their pickup truck.  However, despite the power tool 
>> receptacle in the bed, I don't think it's really aimed at the
>American work-
>> truck buyer, or even the type who embrace the huge, burly, tall
>> trucks.  
>> I read that the cargo area is too small to carry 4x8 sheets of
>plywood or 
>> drywall, for example.  Also, I suspect that the typical truck buyer
>> won't want something that looks more like the traditional pickup,
>which as 
>> you say, hasn't really changed much in 70+ years.  So I guess that
>> they are angling to catch some of the folks who, like you, might
>> be interested in a smaller pickup.  
>> However, I think that it might compete functionally and in terms of
>> with Tesla's own model Y crossover vehicle.  
>> Then again, I wonder how weill it will compete with anything, because
>of the 
>> radical styling.  I forget where it was that I read this, but one
>> compared it to the Pontiac Aztec.  They don't look at all alike, but
>I agree 
>> that it might have the same kind of "trying too hard to be different"
>> on possible buyers.  GM was able to absorb that sales disaster, just
>as Ford 
>> swallowed the Edsel losses in the late 1950s, but I'm not sure
>> financial position can handle a genuine failure.  
>> However, 146k indications of interest is probably a good sign, so
>maybe my 
>> concerns will turn out to be unfounded.  I'm sure it will suit some
>> and I wish Tesla the best with it.  Anything that puts more EVs on
>the road 
>> is good news.
>> David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
>> EVDL Administrator
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