Seems to me if people are willing to spend $150k to to 250k for an RV with a 
diesel engine there aught to be wiggle room to do a conversion good for decent 
range. I suppose Otmar or John Wayland could cobble something together. I 
suppose I could do it myself but I'm getting lazy in my old age. With battery 
prices coming down and some electric buses available used it won't be long 
before somebody puts something together. I have an inquiry into EV West. It 
seems VW van's have already been done. A three piece solar panel aught to give 
you 10kw. More than enough to charge a 200kw battery in a day or two. This is 
not a light conversion. Just make it work dependably. 28 foot or so.  It 
wouldn't get there fast but isn't the point of RV recreation? Low maintenance 
no fuel costs. Seems like the perfect retirement home.  Lawrence Rhodes 
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