Battery-metal rush pits miners against marine biologists

The International Seabed Authority is preparing to pass regulations in July that could trigger a rush to extract metals needed to power the electric-vehicle revolution. Environmentalists say that would endanger fragile marine ecosystems and fear the ISA is too closely aligned with the emergent mining industry.
The need to supply emissions-free vehicles has put the focus more than three kilometers (1.9 miles) down in the Pacific Ocean, where cobalt and nickel reserves dwarf those found in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Indonesia, the biggest terrestrial producers of the two metals.
Previous attempts to mine the ocean depths, including the CIA’s Summa and Deep Sea Ventures, stalled in the 1970s. More recently, Nautilus Minerals left most investors out of pocket and incensed environmentalists by threatening to destroy coral reefs in the waters off Papua New Guinea.
There is uncertainty over how sediment plumes kicked up by mining the seabed will spread, potentially changing ocean chemistry and harming fish. Research has also shown that disturbances to the ocean floor have a lasting impact almost three decades later.
Miners will be subject to annual reporting requirements and independent monitoring to verify that they’re adhering to environmental regulations, according to an ISA statement in response to questions. The body was established in 1994 under the UN’s Convention on the Law of the Sea to ensure the minerals located in international waters are only tapped for the benefit of humanity.

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