I've never seen one for sale in this area. Else I likely would have one
since I have a good 36v lithium solution.

I don't think Bob is up to doing much repair.

On Mon, Aug 16, 2021, 12:34 EVDL Administrator via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org>

> Many of the GE Elec-Trak electric lawn tractors from the 1970s are still
> around and doing yeoman duty.  Buying a clean used one should cost MUCH
> less
> than $3000.  Recently an acquaintance of mine from around here sold his
> ER8-
> 36 small electric rider mower for $500 on EBAY.  All it needed was new
> batteries.
> The models to look for are probably the smaller, simpler ones:
> GE ER8-36 / Wheel Horse A-65 / New Idea R36
> Wheel Horse E-60, E-81
> GE E8 / New Idea EGT80
> GE E10 . New Idea EGT100
> The larger models will also serve (the E15 seems to be the most common):
> GE E12 / E12M / New Idea EGT-120
> GE E14 / Wheel Horse B-145
> GE E15 / New Idea EGT-150
> GE E16
> GE E20 / Wheel Horse C-185 / New Idea EGT-200
> GE I5
> If you're not in too much of a hurry, I suggest joining the Elec-Trak
> discussion list, and watching for someone to put one up for sale.
> cosmos.phy.tufts.edu/mailman/listinfo/elec-trak
> I got an invalid certificate warning on that website just now.  It seems
> OK,
> but I'll ask on the list today.
> David Roden, EVDL moderator & general lackey
> To reach me, don't reply to this message; I won't get it.  Use my
> offlist address here : http://evdl.org/help/index.html#supt
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>      time it is, pockets the watch, and sends you a bill for it.
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