I may have seen reference to this concept in the not-so-recent past, but 
certainly haven't seen any reference to this concept recently, nor any 
reference to the "proactive" aspect I'd like to see promoted.
In the early days of ultralight air vehicles, there was an impending threat of 
US Government banishment/intervention. The community, which was much smaller 
than today's EV community, banded together and worked with the FAA to create 

The concept that makes sense to me is to charge per-mile fees to EV owners, not 
per year registration fees. 

I recognize that I'm not a typical EV owner, nor is my wife, but my two 
thousand to three thousand miles per year does not justify the fees I've seen 
posted. My wife's four thousand miles per year also fits into this equation.
If an entity has to modify the registration system to accept a specific fee for 
an EV, the modification should be based on previous year's travels via odometer 
reading. It's hardly difficult to provide such information during registration, 
no more so than providing insurance verification as is currently done.
How would it be possible to push this concept into the appropriate entity in 
advance of this entity's movement to set (excessive) annual fees?
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