Tesla is getting some rough PR lately.  

Obviously, there's the "every vehicle" recall that isn't, but is really a 
remote reprogramming.  

Then this article landed yesterday:

"Tesla drivers are the most accident-prone, according to a LendingTree 
analysis of 30 car brands. It found that Tesla drivers are involved in more 
accidents than drivers of any other brand. Tesla drivers had 23.54 accidents 
per 1,000 drivers. Ram (22.76) and Subaru (20.90) were the only other brands 
with more than 20 accidents per 1,000 drivers for every brand."

Full article:


or https://v.gd/y2FFnb

Forbes is pretty careful to not speculate on why.  But you can bet that many 
people outside the Musk-o-verse will say "it's because of Autopilot," while 
Musket-heads will be more apt to say "not enough owners using Autopilot."

Eh, I'm staying out of it.

What I wonder about, and WILL mention, is something that the original source 
sort of takes a whack at and glances off of.

Teslas tend to be powerful vehicles.  I don't know whether I can say too 
much about this since I don't own one and have never driven one, but I do 
know that while ludicrous (Tesla's own word) acceleration can sometimes get 
you out of trouble fast, it can also get you INTO trouble really fast.  
Especially if you're young and hormone-addled, and/or drunk or high, and/or 
just not that skilled a driver.  

Somehow I strongly doubt that any Tesla software update is going to change 
that part of the vehicles' behavior.

Also, off topic - Ram, yeah, I can see that - but Subaru???  Really?

David Roden, EVDL moderator & general lackey

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