On Tue, Jul 08, 2008 at 02:06:12PM -0500, T. Kim Nguyen wrote:
> I understand that an official announcement is being prepared, but here  
> at University of Wisconsin Oshkosh I'm happy to report that two weeks  
> ago Plone was selected as the campus CMS.  We have been using Plone  
> for 4.5 years now, and we began rolling out Plone sites to colleges,  
> departments, projects, and administrative units about two years ago,  
> for public and intranet sites, workflow applications, surveys, and  
> data integration with our PeopleSoft system via XML-RPC.  Our thanks  
> go to Joel Burton for really kicking us into gear about a year and a  
> half ago, and to Penn State's WebLion team for being so supportive.   
> It started off as a grass roots effort that quickly snowballed once  
> word got out.
> More info is available here: http://uwosh.edu/ploneprojects.

Kim --

That's great! I'm really happy and proud for you. Good work.

Hee. I like the "Slow Jog" idea, btw.


- j

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