
I will wait for.


2008/10/14 David Sapiro - Pilot Systems <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Le 14 oct. 08 à 14:02, Fábio Rizzo a écrit :
>  Hi David,
>> Is there a plan for sponsor?
> Sure, it was presented by the PF during the conference. More to come before
> end of 2008, AFAIU.
> Dave
>> 2008/10/14 David Sapiro - Pilot Systems <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Hi,
>> ZEA is here for that task, IMHO, and we should push more ZEA Partners in
>> all our communication.
>> Then, we could say that the directory _is_ a network,
>> especially when the sponsoring and premium partners will be listed there.
>> Dave
>> Le 14 oct. 08 à 00:59, Nate Aune a écrit :
>> Hi Roberto,
>> I'm in full agreement with you about sending out press releases every time
>> a major version of Plone is released. I would also suggest sending out press
>> releases every time there is a major conference or symposium.
>> We also discussed inviting journalists to come to the conferences (why
>> weren't there any at this year's conference?) and making it easy for
>> journalists to write stories about Plone. This could mean making a
>> area with press contact persons, logos, photos and
>> elevator pitches / soundbites that journalists could use to construct a
>> story about Plone.
>> Very interesting to hear your comments about partner networks. I suspect
>> that this will be hard for the Plone Foundation to do, since these networks
>> are typically set up to work with a commercial vendor, not with a non-profit
>> foundation. I think it's more likely that individual Plone vendors could
>> join for example the Redhat network.
>> Nate
>> Roberto Allende wrote:
>> Hello
>> I was reading yesterday tickets and i'd like to mention two issues IHMO
>> are very important:
>> 1. Press Releases
>> 2. Partnership networks
>> 1. Press Releases
>> We should have someone in charge of writing press releases. I think it's
>> very important the Foundation releases a press release everytime there's a
>> new version, an important event and so on. Ideally the press release would
>> be written by a journalist, so they're usually contacted with other
>> journalists and medias. I believe this cannot be done by volunteer job and
>> it would be great if the foundation can pay a freelancer journalist.
>> Probably we could contact other open source foundations, such as FSF and ask
>> if we can work together, asking them how are they solving this issue.
>> 2. Partnership networks
>> Probably this should be discussed inside Zea Partners, but i found many
>> cases where gov and corps choose Alfresco, just because is in the Red Hat
>> partnership network:
>> I already contacted them, but i'm not sure about their interest of having
>> Plone there.. anyway, we could identify Partnetship networks and try to get
>> there (probably Novell has one, and so on). I'll could keep moving this, but
>> in some point i would need "official" suport.
>> I hope you believe are goods ideas.
>> Kind Regards
>> r.
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>> --
>> David Sapiro - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Pilot Systems - 9, rue Desargues - 75011 Paris
>> Tel : +33 1 44 53 05 55 -
>> Hébergement Zope et Plone gratuit -
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>> Evangelism mailing list
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>> Fábio Rizzo Matos
>> CEO
>> ThreePointsWeb
>> +55 61 3468-1604
>> Python, Zope e Plone com quem entende do assunto
> --
> David Sapiro - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Pilot Systems - 9, rue Desargues - 75011 Paris
> Tel : +33 1 44 53 05 55 -
> Hébergement Zope et Plone gratuit -

Fábio Rizzo Matos
+55 61 3468-1604

Python, Zope e Plone com quem entende do assunto
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