Hey Karl,

I can sort of only vaguely respond to this :)

The BoFs were on Thursday after a long day, and I thought it might be a good idea to start the BoF combined with the Evangelism group since the folks who showed interest in Awards also signed up for the Evangelism BoF.

I didn't get exact counts-- maybe somebody else did-- but it seemed pretty clear that between the two concepts there were at least 12-15 interested folks. Several old & new plonistas seemed interested in diving into the ideas & mechanics right away.

We sort of got around the group once with introductions and then were all ushered out to dinner, which pretty much ended the formal setup right there. Sorry to say we didn't get very far, and I had to leave PSE right after end of sessions on Friday so I don't know whether any brave souls continued the discussion this weekend.

In the few minutes we spent on it as we were getting introduced, the gist I got was:

-People seem fairly enthusiastic about having awards
-There's probably room & need for more discussion on specifics
-Some people had general questions & others had obviously read the (very long) draft proposal and had focused queries, some of which I don't have any answers for yet.

As far as whether the existing proposal is pointing in the right direction, I don't know whether we got into things deeply enough to say. In short, there's more work to do, I think.

Also, I'm not quite sure what the process for this kind of thing is supposed to be. The advice I got from a couple people was to just plow ahead. Though, what I think I understood from emails with Jon Stahl a while back is that the Foundation Board wants a moderately regulated process including some kind of formal-ish sponsorship by the Marketing Committee. What all of that entails I don't really know, and I might be reading that incorrectly.

But, as we had reps from both the Board (Nate & Alex, if I'm looking at the current roster) and the Marketing Committee (Mark, Gabrielle, Jordan, as well as Nate & Alex) at the BoF, maybe I can throw it to one of them for guidance on how to keep the momentum going. Maybe it's as simple as getting a couple people to raise their hands to second the idea?

In thinking about it on the drive home, the idea I had was to try to sprint on the draft during the next Tune Up & try to rope people into a chat to hash out as many points as possible. Between now and then, I'll try to formulate what I understood as the critiques. I hope that the people who attended Thursday feel like that they understand enough of the general idea to agree or disagree with it, and that they'd do so at the Open Plans Page (hint, hint).

Depending on the range and intensity of people's opinions, it may even make sense to put together a tracker or similar.


Matt Fisher
twitter: matt_fisher

On May 31, 2009, at 12:56 PM, Karl Horak wrote:

Any word on how the Plone Awards BoF at PSE went and next steps for the
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