We should really be trying to get case studies of using transmogrifier to migrate content into Plone for conferences like these where many analysts attend and potential enterprise customers.

It's one of the biggest pain points of any major WCM implementation and transmogrifier handles the migration of data very elegantly.

Would be good to toot our own horn and let the analysts know that these solutions exist for Plone.


Nate Aune - na...@jazkarta.com
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Begin forwarded message:

From: Content Management Professionals <groups-nore...@linkedin.com>
Date: November 25, 2009 11:49:53 AM CST
To: Nate Aune <na...@jazkarta.com>
Subject: CM Pros Fall 2009 Summit Agenda Updated

LinkedIn Groups

Group: Content Management Professionals
Subject: CM Pros Fall 2009 Summit Agenda Updated
Four additional speakers have been confirmed for the upcoming CM Pros Summit Dec 1st in Boston at the Gilbane Conference.

This year’s summit is comprised of two workshops.

In the morning workshop, Open Source Products and Standards and the impact on Information Management, Mollye Barrett of ClearPath, LLC, has been added to the program to discuss the impact of open source software and standards on Component Content Management. Mollye will be joined by Brad Kain of Quoin, who will look at the same topic from the perspective of ECM, and Seth Gottlieb of Content Here, who will look at this from the perspective of WCM.

In the afternoon workshop, Content Migration - the Dirty Little Secret of Content Management, two case studies have been confirmed:

* Andy Striemer and Chad Miller of Robert Half International, Inc. present their project work for automating corporate intranet content migration from a static platform to a content management system.

* Gerrit Berkouwer, Dutch Ministry of General Affairs/Government Information Service, will describe how the Dutch Government migrated and integrated many central government websites, including the corporate websites of all Dutch Ministries, into one new, central website www.rijksoverheid.nl.

Join your fellow CM Pros at the Fall Summit 2009 for two interactive and engaging workshops with our feature speakers, the popular "Ask the Experts" panel and round table open discussions on topics that are most meaningful to you.
Posted By Andrew Wilcox
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