On 27/07/2010, at 7:41 PM, kevin gill wrote:

> Hi,
> I did a broad Plone talk for PyCon Ireland 2010. It was well attended
> (30+) (due to scheduling issues - it was the only talk on).
> I had three people with projects who expressed an interest in Plone.  
> Two
> of the projects were currently in other CMS's and were experiencing
> internationalisation problems (django CMS or something similar and
> drupal). The third project was a trivial web-site project - the  
> problem is
> getting cheap hosting rather than whether it can be done in Plone.
> The biggest stumbling block in the talk was explaining what a CMS is
> rather than what Plone is. The Python programmers did not get it.

I gave Plone talk at pycon australia recently called "Plone for python  
programmers" and really tried to focus on that issue of CMS vs web  
framework. It seemed to go down well. I also concentrated on simple  
ways to get started and explaining the reasons behind the architecture.
It's on video if you want to take a look


> Regards,
> Kevin Gill
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