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Thought you'd all find this article interesting:

James Gosling, chief scientist at Sun and the creator of Java, talks in this
interview about his dislike of the MS Windows XP license - so much so that
he's switched to using a number of Macs.  It's the last question in the

Many say Gosling is the pre-eminent software engineer in the world today.
Glad he likes OSX...

Q: You said you've been shifting over to Macintosh computers, due to issues
you have with the Windows XP license. Can you expand on that?
A: I've decided that people have been taking up the Mac, and it's been doing
better, and Linux is trying to become credible. ... I guess I've got Linux
machines and PCs around, and I'm kind of getting to the point where there's
actually nothing that I absolutely need that's on a PC anymore -- that's
only on the PC.

And one of the things that always mystifies me is how anybody in corporate
America will run [Microsoft's] Outlook [mail client]. I mean to say that,
"they don't have a security story," is being very charitable. I mean, it's a
petri dish. Opening a piece of e-mail in Outlook is really asking for it.

... For PCs at home, ... I used to do some home building. But now that's all
I do because you can't actually buy a machine that doesn't have XP on it.
And if you just happen to be lucky enough to have some of the install disks
for Win 2k, I mean, Win 2k was like the last halfway tolerable license.

Q: So you do use Windows machines?
A: Oh, I use them a lot. I've got five of them at home. ... Three are
Windows 2000 and two are actually Windows 98. And those two need some
serious upgrading.

Q: But you said you're shifting to Mac.
A: Yeah. The thing that kind of broke it for me is that I needed a new
laptop, and ... Apple switched toOS X ... it's become a really incredible
desktop machine.

David Fung

*9/11/2001*  We will never forget -

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