For the record and for future reuse this is what I submitted to CeBIT.


I am submitting this application on behalf of The Perl Foundation ( ) and a number of projects written in
Perl. Our objective is to show open source solutions to the business
world developed using the Perl programming language.

Perl is a widely used multi-purpose programming language. It is used
by System Administrators, CM Engineers, Web application developers,
Scientist, Test Automation engineers and many other people.

Some of the projects we plan to represent include the WebGui Content
Management System ( ) , BricolageCMS ( ), Padre, the Perl IDE ( ),  OTRS, the Ticket Request System ( ), Bugzilla bug tracking system ( ) and the Catalyst web development framework
( ).

People participating on CeBit and manning the booth will come from the
development communities of these projects.

The Perl Foundation (TPF) is a non-profit organization dedicated to
the advancement of the Perl programming language.

TPF carries the legal responsibility for Perl 5, Perl 6 and the Parrot
virtual machine.
It maintains the technical infrastructure of the International Perl community
It coordinates the efforts of numerous grass-roots Perl-based groups
such as the Perl user
groups in more than 200 cities in the world, a number of local Perl
Workshops and international

WebGui and and BricolageCMS are the two leading Content Management
Systems written in Perl. These solutions
are used in business, government, non-profit and educational
institutes to maintain their web presence.
There are many examples of organizations using them, instead of
listing them here let me point you
to the listings maintained for WebGui
and Bricolage respectively.

Padre, the Perl IDE is a new open source Integrated Development
Environment for Perl. It allows developers to increase their speed of
development and the quality of the code they are writing. It also
provide a framework upon which one can build further applications.

Bugzilla is the leading issue and bug tracking system. It allows both
software developers and system administrators to increase the quality
of their products and service.
Bugzilla is used by some of the major Linux distributions and by many
large open source projects and a lot of companies ( )

OTRS is an Open source Ticket Request System that is designed mainly
to allow support, sales, pre-sales, billing, internal IT, helpdesk,
etc. department to react quickly to inbound inquiries

The Catalyst web framework is a modern MVC framework for rapid web
site development.

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