Hi everybody!

Good news: the ownCloud Contributor Conference is coming again!

Again the TU Berlin will host us, from Friday August 28 to Thursday September 
3. Saturday the 29th be our day with talks and workshops and we'll do 
workshops and perhaps some talks on Sunday the 30th as well, depending on 
what you all want.

We plan on doing a little survey asking for ideas and suggestions for the 
program. Thoughts are always welcome and we'll open the CFP later this month 
or beginning of May.

Time to mark the dates in your calendar so you don't plan other things at the 
same time.

Besides planning, be sure to also tell other people about it, people you'd 
like to be at the conference! Not every ownCloud contributor reads this 
mailing list or follows us on social media so- remind people. The more 
contributors are at the conf, the more we can get done.

(and more people is more fun)

The announcement:

Conf site: https://owncloud.org/conf
Register: https://conference.owncloud.org/conference/oCC2015/register

We look forward to it. You should, too!

Frank & Jos

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