On Wednesday, 24 August 2016 20:28 Achim Klausmann (V) wrote:
> Hello,
> is there back-ported Code from kernel 4.x in the evergreen kernel
> 3.12? Is that memory related?

There is quite a lot of backports from 4.x mainline in Evergreen 13.1 
kernel (1802 patches at the moment). Some of those are memory management 
related or affect its code.

> I'm running openSUSE 13.1 with an Oracle Database Express Edition 11
> on several machines.
> After updating from kernel 3.11 to kernel 3.12 via 'zypper up'
> we got some problems in different database functions.
> It's the same like having leap 42.1 with kernel 4.x
> or Oracle Linux with UEK4 (kernel 4.x)

I'm afraid not much can be done with so vague problem description. 
Please report a bug either against Leap 42.1 or against openSUSE 13.1 
and put me into Cc. Don't forget to mention that the issues are observed 
on both

You might also try Leap 42.2 kernel (4.4, based on SLE12 SP2).

                                                          Michal Kubeček
Evergreen mailing list

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