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Web-based commerce is now the most exciting

and dynamic sector of the business economy ever and is growing at

unimaginable speed. It has become the primary medium for transfer

of information, commerce, education and news worldwide.

We now live in a connected universe that

draws us into new neighbourhoods or communities at the same time

it heralds the emergence of an industry for a new age and a

global village. With a marketplace of over six billion borderless

consumers and at any given time, the Web can take you anywhere

you or your business want to go.

Through connected intelligence investors are

drawn by a vision of a limitless future to research and buy

investments. Here is one such investment we feel will interest

you. A leading edge Internet Company with its focus on

e-commerce. While they offer a wide range of web-based

stand-alone products and specialized on-line support services for

Asia, they have begun a rapid expansion throughout the world. We

bring them to you.

The Products

The company product line includes the

first on-line trading system to specifically target overseas

investors. It's technology provides a direct link to the

floor of all major US Stock Exchanges and is the first on-line

trading system to allow trading on all three of the world

largest stock markets - from a single website.

It also carries a comprehensive financial

website providing data on US, Asian and European stock markets

and earns revenues from a large base of both advertising and

subscription services.

Banner Advertising is a product that is

handled through its network supported by the financial website's

proprietary software. This software has over 6,200 hosts and

already generates in excess of 10 million individual impressions

per month. Significant revenues overlaid on the site supporting

original content and information.

Web-based e-mail, the newest 

ticket for global sales and specialized database collection has

been created through a premium, web-based e-mail system. Designed

with the business traveller in mind, it caters to those who need

access to their enhanced email applications in a single, easily

manouevered location. With this e-mail system, corporate clients

can provide their webmasters with the ability to offer free

e-mail services form their websites, providing the basis for

onsite database collection. This proprietary software package

offers several technical advantages over competitive systems such

as Hotmail, which recently sold to Microsoft for $400 million, it

is faster, and more secure and is able to hold more contact


Internet access and usage would not be

complete without the addition of a search engine. Not content to

appeal to the ordinary, the company has built a unique portal

designed specifically to the needs of those doing business in the

Asian region. It functions both as a search engine and an on-line

business directory and it covers all the largest business centers

in Asia including Hong Kong, Macao, the Philippines, Singapore,

Taiwan and Thailand.

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Newsletter Updates go to http://server24.hypermart.net/newsstand/


As an adjunct to the collection of data, the

company has built a stand-alone company to provides database and

response management. Enhanced by in-house web-site design and

original content creation, this boutique company also provides

state of the art print and on-line media marketing

facilities. They keep the company's web sites and marketing

plans current and crisp and offer the same services to meet the

needs of its corporate clients. In continuing their one-stop does

it all service, it has now been expanded to include 24-hour

e-mail and telephone based, real-time customer service to all

company subsidiaries and their high-traffic customer sites.


The company has rolled out all the stops in

developing the portal mentioned earlier and has now broadened it

to become a three part e-commerce portal. Through research and

feedback, they have identified three key markets to develop at

this portal, those of on-line shopping, industrial auctions and

business barter.

· Shopping, an international pastime is made possible through a home shopping system

that allows on-line consumers worldwide to order goods and sundries directly from 

and then have these purchases delivered to any destination worldwide. You want to 

not shop? No problem. This site also allows its subscribers to open their own 

stores' complete with full product lines for sale.

· The barter division specializes in business-to-business barter transactions. 

The company's on-line exchange system acts as the clearinghouse ensuring 

orderly trade transactions and without the use of cash or credit cards.

· What with the success of e-bay, on-sale and others, it was only natural that the 

would conceive of an auction site for this portal. The end result? An industrial 
auction site that 

allows businesses, dealers and individuals from around the globe to buy, sell and 
trade heavy 

equipment, vehicles and machinery in Asia on-line.


With all this innovation coming about, it was only a matter of time before the company 

looked towards its own investment strategy and the result is the company's latest 

innovation, an on-line investment education firm. This firm has leapt to the number 

position in its sector, according to on-line industry analysts, as producers and 

of on-line investment education. Already holding a dominant market share of the US 

educational sector, its proprietary instruction for investors and two day real-time 

workshops are teaching on-line investors the skills they need to know, and the tools 

they need to use, to maximize their investment results.


Like all successful companies both on-line and off, the company in the strength of 

Partnerships, both to enhance their products and services - and to spread the risk. 

company has forged many such partnerships with some of the top echelon of e-commerce

and content providers, and continues today in this search for excellence.

We appreciate your interest in this newsletter and hope that you will take the 

to subscribe with us. We send out free, regular and timely advice on companies from 

and afar, proving that it only takes one tip to lead to early retirement. 

For more Information on this Company and to subscribe to future

Newsletter Updates go to http://server24.hypermart.net/newsstand/


Stocktech express is not a Registered Investment Advisor or a Broker / Dealer. This 

newsletter was compiled from information provided by reliable sources. Readers are 

advised that this information is issued solely for information purposes and is not to 

construed as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy. The opinions and 

analysis included herein are based on sources believed to be reliable and in good 

but no representation or warranty, expressed or implied, is made as to their accuracy, 

completeness or correctness. This information is not intended to be used as the sole 

basis of any investment decisions, nor should it be construed as advice designed to 
meet the investment needs of any particular investor. The foregoing discussion 
contains forward-looking statements which are based on current expectations 
and differences can be expected. The information contained herein has been 
provided by reliable sources to Stocktech express for information purposes only; 

in addition, the information contained in this report is not intended to be a complete 

discussion of information regarding some of the current and/or intended business 

activities of the Company. Readers are urged to consult with independent financial 

advisors with respect to an investment in the shares mentioned herein. Investors 

should review a complete information package on the company which should 

include, but not be limited to, the Company's annual report, quarterly report, press 

releases, as well as all regulatory filings. All information contained in this report 

should be independently verified with the Company mentioned herein. Any 

opinions expressed in this report are statements of judgment as of the date of 

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necessarily be reprinted in future publications or elsewhere. Neither Stocktech 

nor its officers, directors, partners or employees/consultants accept any liability 

whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss arising from any use of this report 

or its contents.In order to be in full compliance with the Securities Act of 1933, 

17(b), Stocktech express advises the readers of this document that it has received a 

of $7,500 USD for its efforts in researching, writing, presenting and disseminating 

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