In ..........

RE: Many Fermis Interpretation Paradox -- So why aren't they here?

Russell Standish wrote:
> It could just mean that communication between the "universes" is
> impossible. Which is not surprising, really, as the division between
> "universes" in the MWI is what allows conscious thought to exist.
> <snip>

Declaration of Ignorance..When I read

'the division between "universes" in the MWI is what allows conscious
thought to exist'

I realised my 'arm waving' undergraduate/post grad hobbyist physics is in
need of a simple knowledge injection of how the afficionados of this list
characterise "the Mind" and in particular the "1st and 3rd person
descriptions" produced by it (about the universe(s) it inhabits). I confess
that my own view of these things causes me confusion  as when I read the
threads in this list the words ascribe different meanings to me. I have a my
own view of it and my needs are that of 'calibration' with respect to the
view of the MWI-involved physicist (from which I believe the factual picture
will emerge in the end).

Are there any non-jargon, non-categorised (a la Philosophy) cut-to-the-chase
descriptions of these 3 things?

Sorry to ask, but Googling it out of this universe has proven fruitless thus
far, without reading Avogadros # of unrealted words and mathematics - no

Thanks in advance.


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