Russell, your body got through.
I think your e-mails arrived blank because you did not write into it.
True: some spam-hunter softwares may consider the lengthy rapsheet of all
your titles and addresses (+numbers) as sort of a spam, but most such
softwares give a warning, or delete the entire mail altogether. To "get" the
blanked off  e-mail and the attachments may be funny. (It seems I hit
several nerves with my virus-paranoia).

John M
----- Original Message -----
From: "Russell Standish" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "scerir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2004 9:20 PM
Subject: Re: Quantum Rebel

> Can anyone tell me why the body of the email is blank to some people?
> Is it some overzealous defang program the removes the body as well as
> the attachment?
> I don't care if the attachment is removed - it doesn't contain
> information - its purpose is to authenticate the letter only, and can
> be safely ignored by anyone who doesn't care.
> I'll send this email unsigned, to make sure the body gets through...
> Cheers
> On Wed, Jul 28, 2004 at 06:08:40PM +0200, scerir wrote:
> >
> > > *PS: A number of people ask me about the attachment to my email, which
> > > is of type "application/pgp-signature".
> >
> > The problem with that signature is that we (or just me?) do not receive
> > any text, in the body of the msg. Just blank.
> --
> *PS: A number of people ask me about the attachment to my email, which
> is of type "application/pgp-signature". Don't worry, it is not a
> virus. It is an electronic signature, that may be used to verify this
> email came from me if you have PGP or GPG installed. Otherwise, you
> may safely ignore this attachment.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> A/Prof Russell Standish            Director
> High Performance Computing Support Unit, Phone 9385 6967, 8308 3119
> UNSW SYDNEY 2052                     Fax   9385 6965, 0425 253119 (")
> Australia            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Room 2075, Red Centre
>             International prefix  +612, Interstate prefix 02
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------

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