On 31 Aug 2005, at 17:52, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Brent MeekerWhy do you think YD is inconsistent with QM?

Hi Brent,

 At this stage of the argument I feel like answering: because Bruno thinks so! 

Just to be clear: comp gives the comp-correct physics, and from what can be qualitatively and/or quantitatively already be derived, YD is inconsistent with SWE + collapse. I guess you mean QM = Copenhagen QM.

 As I stated before I believe it is not difficult to imagine a situation in which you can falsify, by a non-local quantum
 mechanical experiment the type of hypothesis that Bruno calls YD, meaning one scenario in which all your experience
 (by which I mean what I describe above) is, at some point in your life, replaced by a suitably programmed digital

But YD entails much stronger form of non-locality! As, a priori, YD entails very strong form of non-locality. Proof: see the UDA in my URL.

Bruno states that he actually knows this to be the case that is the reason I have not given myself the
 trouble to try and sharpen up the argument. But I am quite confident that this can be done with a bit of patience
and the help of the many wonders of quantum states.

No. If comp contradicts physics, it will be so by comp being much more non-local and much more non-deterministic (from the observers viewpoints). The mystery is that with comp physics could appears so much computational. Remember that if comp is true, whatever the physical universe appears to be it cannot be the output of a computation, nor can it be the result of a turing emulation other than a UD. Only the taking into account of incompleteness show that comp cannot be obviously false, as it could seem to be when you understand the hugeness of indeterminacy and non-locality it implies.

remember also that comp (and thus YD ) is not incompatible with my brain being a quantum computer. Reason: quantum computer are classically emulable.

You should read the proof, I think you have not yet grasped the enunciation of the result. It is all normal given the novelty. What seems to me to be less normal is that you don't want to read it and still want to say something.


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