Hi Jesse:

In FCC ABC layering the distance between the centers of any two adjacent regions is always the same.

Now if we get to motion the question is whether or not the model allows motion. In a discrete state evolving universe there is no motion while a universe is in a particular state and there is no continuous transition to the next state but rather a wink out and a wink in.

The postulates of special relativity:

"Postulate 1: (Principle of Relativity) The laws of nature are the same in all inertial frames.

Postulate 2: (Constancy of the Velocity of Light) The speed of light in empty space is an absolute constant of nature and is independent of the motion of the emitting body.

are satisfied if there is no motion so the model would have Lorentz-symmetry.

Hal Ruhl
At 08:51 PM 10/10/2005, you wrote:
A discrete lattice structure would also violate Lorentz-symmetry, since the mimimum distance would look different in different reference frames, and there would be one preferred frame where the distance was maximized.


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