Hal wrote:

> I also get the impression that Susskind's attempts to bring "disreputable"
> multiverse models into "holy" string theory is more likely to kill
> string theory than to rehabilitate multiverses.  Perhaps I am getting a
> biased view by only reading this one blog, which opposes string theory,
> but it seems that more and more people are saying that the emperor has
> no clothes.  If string theory needs a multiverse then it is even less
> likely to ever be able to make physical predictions, and its prospects
> are even worse than had been thought.  A lot of people seem to be piling
> on and saying that it is time for physics to explore alternative ideas.
> The hostile NY Times book review is just one example.

Two words: Continental drift.

Ok, continental drift is observable, whereas multiverses aren't, but it is
worth remembering the ridicule heaped (up until not so very long ago) on
those who dared to suggest what is now known as plate techtonics.

Jonathan Colvin

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