Brent: 'However, all that is needed for the arguments that appear on this list is to recreate a rough, functioning copy of the body plus a detailed reproduction of memory and a brain that functioned approximately the same. That much might not be too hard. After all, as Stathis points out, you're not the same atoms you were a week ago'

MP: Well! I'm not going to let YOU pull the levers or press any buttons if I have to be faxed anywhere soon! You make philosophers' copy-machines sound like props for Frankenstein's Monster or that movie 'The Fly'. Furthermore " ... memory and a brain that functioned approximately the same" would seem to be rather less than what Bruno's arguments about copying require. But my point is that, whilst the ideas are cute, they are also nonsense any way. Most people have problems enough living from day to day, and the only time that 'copying' of a person really has any relevance is where surgery or prosthetic augmentation of some kind really should be done to alleviate suffering or prevent premature death.

As for Stathis's assertion about seemingly minor changes which commonly occur to people's brains as they get older, like the odd little stroke here and there, it is always a question of the facts in each case. Some deficiencies turn out to be crucial in terms of quality of life: loosing the use of one or two fingers could be annoying, embarrassing and on occasion quite dangerous. Losing the ability to remember the names of all the people you know, would likewise not be nice. On the other hand, losing the ability to recognise things on the left side of your world, or losing the ability to see the people you knew before as being THOSE people such that you become convinced that the person you are with is a substitute, now that could be very dysfunctional and very distressing. I have seen it written that in fact most people who survive past middle age, do in fact suffer from 'micro' strokes quite often but usually the perceived experience is that of progressively weakened memory. Not Alzheimer's which is a league of its own, but just difficulty remembering certain things.

I am just about to post another message which might stir some angst [or not in which case 'ho hum'], so I leave this here.


Mark Peaty  CDES


Brent Meeker wrote:

Mark Peaty wrote:
Brent: 'Remember that Bruno is a logician.'

MP: :-) Yes, this much is easy to infer. The full scope of what this might MEAN however, is little short of terrifying ... ;-)

MP: Infinity, infinite, infinitely big or small; these are challenging concepts at the best of times and made very interesting to the point of mind-boggling in the contexts of QM and relativity theory. In QM, there is apparently NOT an infinitely small level of existence that could be reached by any kind of measurement due to the shortest length and shortest durations denoted by the Planck length and Planck time. I personally wonder whether there is room to criticise this limitation. The underlying concept of Process Physics [let me call that PP from now on] directly challenges the idea.

MP: My point about measurement is to do with the fact that in seeking to get as exact a copy as possible, not just a working model, it is possible that the digital representations of salient features might need more decimal places than the recording and/or transmission systems can provide.

Lawrence Krauss wrote a book called "The Physics of Star Trek" in which he discusses the "transporter" on the Enterprise. He calculates that to measure the location of the atoms in a human body in order to recreate it (as in 'Bean me up Scotty') would take an enormous amount of energy - something like converting the mass of the Earth to energy. However, all that is needed for the arguments that appear on this list is to recreate a rough, functioning copy of the body plus a detailed reproduction of memory and a brain that functioned approximately the same. That much might not be too hard. After all, as Stathis points out, you're not the same atoms you were a week ago - and I've already forgotten what I had for lunch day before yesterday.

Brent Meeker

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