
I tried to clarify my point of view  in my previous response. This is
my answer to these questions.

On Jan 25, 5:53 am, Brent Meeker <> wrote:
> Stathis Papaioannou wrote:
> > 2009/1/24 Alberto G.Corona <>:
> >> But the fact is that in our univese, glasses do recompose themselves,
> >> the flame of the candles do recombines liberating oxygen and make grow
> >> the candle, objects lighter than water sink. Why? because these events
> >> exist in our space time; Just go in the reverse time dimension in our
> >> space-time manifold  to see them. The laws of physics permits them.
> >> They are just reversible chemical reactions, reversible object
> >> collisions at the particle or macroscopic level.
> >> In terms of our perception of time, the outcomes we see happens just
> >> because they are cuasi-infinitely probable and the reverse
> >> counterparts, cuasi infinitely improbalbe. But, that is also an
> >> illlusion of the arrow of time, because , In terms of time-agnostic
> >> spacetime manifold reasoning, our life vector in space-time go along
> >> the increase of entrophy, not the other way around. That is: the
> >> outcomes of probability laws are a consequience of our trajectory in
> >> space time. Why our life follow this direction?. The reason is
> >> computational, as I said before.
> > The question is often asked, why does time seem to progress in the
> > increasing entropy direction? But if time were in fact progressing in
> > the decreasing entropy direction, we would know no different. For
> > example, if we were living in a simulation where 2009 is run first and
> > 2008 is run second according to an external clock, we would not be
> > able to tell from within the simulation. The real arrow of time
> > question should be: why does entropy increase in the same direction in
> > every observed part of the universe?
> Right.  It's generally thought that the direction of increasing entropy is
> defined by the expansion of the universe since the expansion increases the
> available states for matter.  But it's hard to show that this must also
> determine the radiation arrow of time.
> But at the micro-level of QM there is presumably no change in entropy, the
> evolution is unitary.  So then the question becomes: Why the approximately
> classical world, in which the coarse-gained entropy does increase?
> Brent
> >For only if the glass shattering
> > occurred in a direction different to that of the mind of the observer
> > would something unusual be noticed.
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