Hi Johnathan, Kim, Stathis

I agree with you Johnathan. Scientists learn a lot from extreme cases,  
and altered states of consciousness is worth to study, even to  
understand better what is a "normal" (if that exists) states of  

Now remember that our brain seems to generate already by itself a  
numerous of different "naturally",  or self-altered, consciousness  
The most amazing and well known is the state of the so called  
paradoxical sleep, or REM period, or dream state, or reality  
simulation state. It is a state unknown by the dinosaurs and the  
reptiles. It appears with the birds and then all the homeothermic  
animals. Michel Jouvet called it paradoxical, because it makes the  
animal hallucinated and paralyzed which makes it an easy prey for the  
predator, yet that states has survived 65 millions of years, nobody  
really knows why, but we suspect its importance.

During sleep, with some training you can be "lucid" not just during  
the REM paradoxical state, you can be somehow lucid during the slow  
wave states, and that gives roughly speaking another collection of  
four "natural altered states". Fever, some headache, some stroke could  
lead to variants.

Why altered states? I can find plausible that in situation of stress,  
like for a mouse in the mouth of a cat, your probabilities of  
surviving are made higher if your brain has a system of self calm  
down, if not self lying. It is known that mouse indeed generates  
endogenous morphine like pain killer, and as you know the brain is  
full of enhancers and inhibitors. Most drugs coming from plants are  
molecules looking like our own inhibitors of enhancers, general or  
specific. Which means (but don't repeat) that the first big drugs  
constructor is the brain itself (don't repeat because make they will  
make the brain and computer illegal).
Like anything alive a big part of the work consists in self-repairing  
and all those endogenous drugs, well all, depending the amount, can  
alter *a little bit more* the state of consciousness, than it does in  
normal circumstances, so that, again, a normal state of consciousness  
is a sum of altered states in a equilibrium, belonging to some  
neighborhood of states.

And why does plant constructs altered states of consciousness  
molecules? In my opinion it has all to do with the incredibly complex  
relationships that plant have with animals, in general, and insects in  
particular. Many plants have to detract predator insects. By killing  
them, or by just smelling like, or imitating the smell of, of the  
appearance of  the worst predators of the insect (sort of lies!). But  
they must also to attract insects, feed them, and manipulate them in  
such a way that Mister plant can send its Message to Missis Plant  
which leaves at five miles from Him. You bet that with millions of  
years they knows about manipulating insects and animals, from predator  
and pollinator to consumers.

And which explains perhaps why there are so much medicinal and  
"psychedelic" plants (entheogen).

Now I agree with you Johnathan, that for discussing about  
consciousness, we should distinguish between drugs which alter the  
mood and the perception, like cannabis and alcohol from hallucinogen,  
like some mushrooms and cactus, and dissociators like Ketamine. Salvia  
Divinorum, strictly speaking, is a bit of both a dissociator and an  
hallucinogen. The first alter your "actual" consciousness, the second  
triggers an actual different in nature experience, like an out of body  
experience, or a near death experience, or a dream, or a dream-like  
scenario. Typically and without training you don't remain lucid: you  
forget you are under the product. You can't take Salvia casually, you  
take it to live a particular experience which requires your attention,  
and preparation.

Now, I would not compare the effect of Salvia with anything produced  
by any other entheogen. When smoked, it produces an effect which lasts  
in general between 3 and 6 minutes. Unlike cannabis, alcohol, LSD, and  
many others, the effect is disphoric, meaning not typically pleasant.  
Animals does not push twice on the "button" with salvia, showing in  
particular it is not addictive. Normal, "my thesis" in four minutes,  
the poor animals!

The effect are quite different from people to people, and according to  
the concentration of the salvinorin molecules. You find it  from 1X  
(the leaves), to 5X, 10X, ... 40X (beyond it seems to me only the  
price grows up, not the effect).

Many meet typical archetypes (elves, carnival wheel, clown). Some will  
relive childhood events, or complete life of someone else. Most will  
talk about a strong pulling or pushing rotation, physically felt,  
which can sometimes leads to being cut in billions parts and send to  
as much parallel realities (some can panic here). All talk about  
realities and perception of realities. many% (on about 1000 reports)  
talk explicitly about feeling a "feminine presence", which "teach" you  
something, the last point of it seeming unmemorable. Some lives the  
experience very badly. In my own experiment, with 30 participants (one  
by one), they made rewarding experiences, you just need to be patient  
and to increase the amount of concentration incrementally, and to  
encourage the respect of the plant. Most learns this by experience.

Is it safe? The effect are impressive, but apparently not dangerous.  
If you look at the YouTube Video, you see that used in the worst  
conditions it leads, in the worse case only to bruises and nightmares.  
(With alpinism, a slight error can kill you and others). Like  
cannabis, no overdose level exists. Given big amount of  
"infinityX" (pure salvinorin) to rats makes then "sleep" for 4  
minutes, and then they resume their activities. It is estimated that  
on the last 2 millions of American who smoked salvia, there are zero  
death related to it, nor even emergency calls. There are thousand of  
death related to alcohol consumption, and many more injuries, just to  

Salvia is above all a medicinal plant. Incredibly enough, I did cure a  
severe migraine recently. The person told me she did try all possible  
medications, without success, she has to just keep calm in the dark  
for 12 hours. A little hit of leave made it disappear in three  
minutes.  It is one of the main use among the Mazatec. It helps for  
nasal congestion too, it helps for sleep (always 1X here).
It is antidepressant, and it is antiaddictive. It is a medication  
against drugs!

And yes Kim, it is easy (far more than cannabis which is already easy)  
to grow your own plant and to multiply it. It is alas less easy to  
find the plant, there are no seeds available, because Salvia Divinorum  
has literally abandon sexual reproduction (I think she did have its  
own predator as pollinator, explaining the subtleties of her message).
You don't need light, she hates light, she loves the dark, heat and  
water a lot. She lives, or at least her ancestors were used to live  
(because since 700 years she has been cultivated by the Mexican  
Mazatec) in dark hot and humid forest, in the nightlight of the day  
within the shadows of trees with many branches. Below 0° (celsius) she  

I am glad I found my master. A plant!  (grin). But I will continue to  
explain UDA+AUDA for those who prefer the pure third person  
communicable way. Don't worry, (or worry, perhaps :).  It is a  
question of taste. Reality is creative, beyond wonders and surprises.  
People who does not like wonders, surprises should not study computer  
science and logics, neither physics, and should avoid Lewis Carroll  
and Salvia Divinorum. That plant likes joking. Here a video of someone  
very sensible, and a bit unprepared, who seems to appreciate the joke:

About that plant, I would like to add that I am certainly in favor of  
some regulation. But criminalization of it is no less than criminal.  
The plant becomes really dangerous: it can send you to hell (jail),  
even without smoking it!
We should have laws forbidding defamation about products related to  
health. Against the abuse of systematic well known errors of logic,  
the ignorance of what is a trance states, etc.




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