> Brent> all physical measurements will be rational numbers
> Well, it is quite a statement ;o) so you may write down an exact
> Planck constant (h), please illustrate that...
> If you experience difficulty to do that for ( h ) please try write
> down an exact gravitational constant ( G )...

No, problem.  Like most physicists I write h=1, G=1, c=1.

> Ref: Planck constant:  h = 4.135 667 33(10) × 10−15 eV s
> (10) The two digits between the parentheses denote the standard
> uncertainty in the last two digits of the value.

The uncertainty is in the conversion to eVs.  It arises because different 
got different numbers when measuring, but each measurement was a rational 


> SB> there is no way to write down an exact arbitrary irrational number
> Brent> There is no problem writing down irrational numbers:
> Brent> sqrt(2), pi,... See nothing to it.  ;-)
> You miss the key word "arbitrary", it is simple to show that the
> number of irrational numbers which can be expressed/encoded with ZERO
> entropy equals to number of rational numbers (sqrt(2) is one of such
> examples).
> --sb
> On Jul 23, 4:30 pm, Brent Meeker <> wrote:
>> wrote:
>>> SBJ: Information entropy of physical fundamental constants
>>> The fundamental constant can be measured increasingly accurate, it
>>> does not seem (for me) that the  repetitive pattern of rational
>>> numbers after some number of digits may take place;
>> Physical measurements are always relative, i.e. one quantify is measured in
>> units of another quantity.  It is generally thought that there is a smallest
>> possible unit, the Planck scale, so all physical measurements will be 
>> rational
>> numbers (integers in Planck units).
>>> if it is the case
>>> then there is not enough "room" in the universe / multiverse to
>>> accommodate such information as exact representation of fundamental
>>> constant - just in principle, there is no way to have it exact as
>>> there is no way to write down an exact arbitrary irrational number and
>>> it is not a technical limitation it is a fundamental limitation unless
>>> it may be represented as a rational number ;o).
>> There is no problem writing down irrational numbers: sqrt(2), pi,... See 
>> nothing
>> to it.  ;-)
>> Of course from an information standpoint you want to know their bits.  But it
>> also easy to write down a quite short program that will compute whatever bit 
>> you
>> want to know for those irrational numbers.  But you are right that for almost
>> all real numbers is impossible to give them a finite representation.  But why
>> believe in those numbers anyway, they are convenient fictions.
>>> Information Entropy
>>> can be measured as an average number of bits per symbol/digit encoded
>>> by rank-0 context model + entropy encoder (let say arithmetic
>>> encoder). Therefore, there are two distinct possibilities: entropy
>>> equals zero or Log2(10) (for decimal representation) or simply: ZERO
>>> or NON-ZERO. I have my ideas how NON-ZERO case may workout but I'm
>>> interested to listen others opinions.
>> Most cosmogonies assume the (microscopic) entropy of the universe is zero.  
>> It
>> started at the Planck scale, where there is room for at most one bit and 
>> since
>> QM insists on unitary evolution the entropy cannot change (as measured at the
>> Planck scale).  The increase in entropy we see is due to our coarse 
>> graining, or
>> as Bruno would say, "above our substitution level".  It is impossible to 
>> however
>> to use the negative information to get back to local zero because the 
>> expansion
>> of the universe has carried the correlations beyond the relativistic horizon.
>> At least that's the common theory.
>> Brent
> > 

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