Hi, I was recommended to check out this group and before I really get
into it, I wanted to post some information about my ideas in their
pristine state, and then I can relax and let my mind be invaded by
what the other members here have been talking about. I would recommend
to the reader as well, that they try to, as much as possible, come to
this information from a completely neutral perspective, ie, as if they
were hearing an description of the cosmos for the first time rather
than putting it into existing philosophical categories (again, 'as
much as possible')... because I think that there's a chance that I'm
saying something new here.

Here is an executive summary of my executive summary (http://
s33light.org/SEEES) :

  A. Semiotic Cosmology
     1. All phenomena can be described in terms of patterns, but not
all patterns can be understood as objects.
     2. Objects are a second-hand experience.
     3. Sense is a fundamental, universal property (cosmos has to make
sense before we can make sense out of it)

  B. Proposed Unified Electromagnetic-Sensorimotive Topology
     1. Rather than consciousness being 'caused' electromagnetically,
consciousness is an elaboration of awareness>feeling>sense>detection,
which is the "interior" manifold/topology of electromagnetic patterns
within matter.
     2. Electromagnetism does not exist as a freestanding phenomenon
in space, but rather it and all forms of energy are experiences of
matter - telesemantically shared sensorimotive experiences which are,
to varying degrees participatory and defined by the interference
pattern between the public electromagnetic and private/shared
sensorimotive rather than purely passive/deterministic.
     3. It could be said that Electro-sensory is like the Read/Input
privileged format, Motive-magnetic is the Write/Output privileged
format. (Not necessarily strictly true, but useful in relating the two
topologies..you could use magnetic or electrical stimulation to push
changes to consciousness in the brain I would imagine).
     4. The entire Standard Model becomes obsolete as an authoritative
cosmology. Rather than a Quantum Limit, we run into a Copernican
Limit, beyond which the purely exterior topology becomes inappropriate
and we need to re-imagine Quantum Observations as something more like
shared atomic moods.

 C. ACME-ΩMMM Continuum

      1. Human philosophical and psychological perspectives can be
organized meaningfully through a spectrum ranging from extremely
literal/generic/objective to the figurative/proprietary/subjective.
(mural: http://www.stationlink.com/art/comp7.jpg)
       2. In the center of the spectrum, phenomena can be described as
mundane and straightforward, with the difference between the interior
essential topology (i.e. Mind) and the exterior existential topology
(Matter) is maximally divergent and dimorphic (yet most intertwined).
Think of this as the crossover point in a figure eight.
       3. The 'ends' of the continuum are opposite: profound and
esoteric (think Psychedelic Shamanism on the subjective end, or
Quantum Physics on the objective). The two ends meet in the ineffable,
monastic Zen of self-realization/annihilation.

D. Perception is Relativity
       1. Relativity orders physical effects into inertial frames,
while perception organizes sensorimotive gestalts through experiential
frames of reference.
       2. Perception is the private, signifying, perspective-twisted
subjectivity correlate to public, a-signifying, generic objectivity.

E. Space, Time, and Gravity are Void
       1. Space is a logical projection of perception-relativity to
describe the relation between the exterior of phenomena. If you
imagine a universe composed of an ideal sphere and nothing more, there
is no possibility of externally realizable movement (since there is
nothing to compare it to as a frame of reference). Space is nothing
more than semantic orientation.
       2. Time is an interior logic of subjective experience, an
aggregate measure of 'change' (semantic comparison of one condition
and another remembered or recorded and observed condition) modeled in
a linear fashion. It has no existence of it's own beyond our sense of
sequential causality (which evaporates predictably under altered
states of consciousness - dreams, drugs, trance, etc). We are the ones
who interpret the digits on the clocks and the calender squares as a
shared temporal text. In reality, there are no days, just
astrophysical orientations woven together by our memories and
monitoring of regular oscillating patterns.

        3. Like space, time can only be as discrete or continuous as
the substances and processes we use to measure it. What we are
measuring is not an objective condition, but our own normalized
intersubjective detection of relations between patterns of energy/

        4. Gravity is the evanescence of electromagnetic-sensorimotive
momentum. It's matter wanting to return to the singularity. It's the
entropy which collapses the projection of spacetime.

Let me know what you think. This is sort of something I've been
thinking of for almost 40 years, so I would encourage any reader to
really let it sink in. I know my writing style may be offputting to
some, but please try to get to the ideas underneath here. This isn't
about me being right, I really could care less, I'm just interested in
finding out how exactly I'm wrong. Otherwise I'm tempted to proclaim
that this worldview takes a significant step toward resolving a lot of
timeless philosophical questions as well as contemporary conundrums in
physics and neurology. Delusions of grandeur? Probably. What's the
harm in considering it though?

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