On Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 11:37 AM, Craig Weinberg <whatsons...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Aug 1, 8:07 pm, Stathis Papaioannou <stath...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> 1. You agree that is possible to make something that behaves as if
>> it's conscious but isn't conscious.
> Noooo. I've been trying to tell you that there is no such thing as
> behaving as if something is conscious. It doesn't mean anything
> because consciousness isn't a behavior, it's a sensorimotive
> experience which sometimes drives behaviors.

Behaviour is what can be observed. Consciousness cannot be observed.
The question is, can something behave like a human without being

> If you accept that, then it follows that whether or not someone is
> convinced as to the consciousness of something outside of themselves
> is based entirely upon them. Some people may not even be able to
> accept that certain people are conscious... they used to think that
> infants weren't conscious. In my theory I get into this area a lot and
> have terms such as Perceptual Relativity Inertial Frame (PRIF) to help
> illustrate how perception might be better understood (http://
> s33light.org/post/8357833908).
> How consciousness is inferred is a special case of PR Inertia which I
> think is based on isomorphism. In the most primitive case, the more
> something resembles what you are, in physical scale, material
> composition, appearance, etc, the more likely you are to identify
> something as being conscious. The more time you have to observe and
> relate to the object, the more your PRIF accumulates sensory details
> which augment your sense-making of the thing,  and context,
> familiarity, interaction, and expectations grow to overshadow the
> primitive detection criteria. You learn that a video Skype of someone
> is a way of seeing and talking to a person and not a hallucination or
> talking demon in your monitor.
> So if we build something that behaves like Joe Lunchbox, we might be
> able to fool strangers who don't interact with him, and an improved
> version might be able to fool strangers with limited interaction but
> not acquaintances, the next version might fool everyone for hours of
> casual conversation except Mrs. Lunchbox cannot be fooled at all, etc.
> There is not necessarily a possible substitution level which will
> satisfy all possible observers and interactors, pets, doctors, etc and
> there is not necessarily a substitution level which will satisfy any
> particular observer indefinitely. Some observers may just think that
> Joe is not feeling well. If the observers were told that one person in
> a lineup was an android, they might be more likely to identify Joe as
> the one.

The field of computational neuroscience involves modelling the
behaviour of neurons. Even philosophers such as John Searle, who
doesn't believe that a computer model of a brain can be conscious, at
least allow that a computer model can accurately predict the behaviour
of a brain. Searle points out that a model of a storm may predict its
behaviour accurately, but it won't actually be wet: that would require
a real storm. By analogy, a computer inside someone's head may model
the behaviour of his brain sufficiently well so as to cause his
muscles to move in a perfectly human way, but according to Searle that
does not mean that the ensuing being would be conscious. If you
disagree that even the behaviour can be modelled by a computer then
you are claiming that there is something in the physics of the brain
which is non-computable. But there is no evidence for such
non-computable physics in the brain; it's just ordinary chemistry.

> In any case, it all has nothing to do with whether or not the thing is
> actually conscious, which is the only important aspect of this line of
> thinking. We have simulations of people already - movies, TV, blow up
> dolls, sculptures, etc. Computer sims add another layer of realism to
> these without adding any reality of awareness.

So you *are* conceding the first point, that it is possible to make
something that behaves as if it's conscious without actually being
conscious? We don't even need to talk about brain physics: for the
purposes of the philosophical discussion it can be a magical device
created by God. If you don't concede this then you are essentially
agreeing with functionalism: that if something behaves as if it's
conscious then it is necessarily conscious.

>> 2. Therefore it would be possible to make a brain component that
>> behaves just like normal brain tissue but lacks consciousness.
> Probably not. Brain tissue may not be any less conscious than the
> brain as a whole. What looks like normal behavior to us might make the
> difference between cricket chirps and a symphony and we wouldn't
> know.

 If you concede point 1, you must concede point 2.

>> 3. And since such a brain component behaves normally the rest of the
>> brain should be have normally when it is installed.
> The community of neurons may graciously integrate the chirping
> sculpture into their community, but it doesn't mean that they are
> fooled and it doesn't mean that the rest of the orchestra can be
> replaced with sculptures.

If you concede point 2 you must concede point 3.

>> 4. So it is possible to have, say, half of your brain replaced with
>> unconscious components and you would both behave normally and feel
>> that you were completely normal.
> It's possible to have half of your cortex disappear and still behave
> and feel relatively normally.
> http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn17489-girl-with-half-a-brain-retains-full-vision.html
> http://www.pnas.org/content/106/31/13034

People with brain damage can have other parts of their brain take over
the function of the damaged part. But this is not the point I am
making: if a part of the brain is removed and replaced with artificial
components that function normally, then the rest of the brain also
continues functioning normally.

>> If you accept the first point, then points 2 to 4 necessarily follow.
>> If you see an error in the reasoning can you point out exactly where
>> it is?
> If you see an error in my reasoning, please do the same.

You contradict yourself in saying that it is not possible for a
non-conscious being to behave as if it's conscious, then claiming that
there are examples of non-conscious beings behaving as if they are
conscious (although your examples of videos and computer sims are not
good ones: we don't actually have anything today that comes near to
replicating the full range of human intelligence). You don't seem to
appreciate the difference between a technical problem and a
philosophical argument which considers only what is theoretically
possible. You don't explain where a computer model of neural tissue
would fail, how you know there is non-computable physics in a neuron
and where it is. You seem to think that even if the behaviour of a
neuron could be replicated by an artificial neuron, or for example by
a normal neuron missing its nucleus, the other neurons would somehow
know that something was wrong and not behave normally; or even worse,
that they would behave normally but the person would still experience
an alteration in consciousness.

Stathis Papaioannou

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