Better written:

2012/11/10 Alberto G. Corona <>

> I always emphasize that there is a evolutionary logic, which  unlike any
> other logic, is tautological, that is assume no axioms beyond natural
> selection (which is tautological per se)
> I will define here this logic as clear as I can.
> Therefore evolutionary logic a good foundation for an absolute notion of
> both truth (including existence) and morals. Because is-ougth is unified
> under this logic.  This logic is rougly speaking convergent with the
> classical philosophical-religious logic of common sense. Besides being
> materialistic, it debunk the humean nominalist-positivist reductionsisms
> and, as i said, return back to the classical philosophical notions.
> Really all the modal logics are parts of this evolutionary logic. The
> directions of the arrows of the modal logics have a clear evolutionary
> background. for example G x -> x, Ox ->x, [] x -> x, Bx -> x, there is a
> evolutionary reason behind
> What is this evolutionary logic?
> Under evolutionary logic, truth, existence and goodness  becomes
> different aspects of the same essence, which have different names when seen
> from the point of view of logic, epistemology or morals.
> The truth of this logic is by definition  equal to
>  the-continuation-of-the-mind-in-the-world.
> The non sequitur, the definition of false, is the non-continuation-of-the
> mind-in-the-world.
> Everything that contributes to the continuation of the mind is true, exist
> and is good. Everything that does not contribute does not exist, is false
> and is evil.
> If a notion contributes to the mind dead, this notion is, evidently non
> existent (is disappearing or will disappear soon). It is false (non-
> sequitur). And it is not good (contributes to the death of the holder and
> his society)
> Therefore It is a fuzzy logic which assign various degrees of truth,
> existence and godness depending on the degree, immediacy and clarity with
> which something contributes to the persistence of the mind.
> There immediate evident, and universally consensuated  concepts that are
> truth, exist and are good: For example, that persons are males and females,
> the existence of persons, to preserve persons lifes.These sentences are
> respectively true, exist and is morally good because the knowledge included
> in these statements contribute inmediately and universaly to the
> persistence of the human minds in a social environment.
> In the other extreme of fuzziness are  more subtle and long term facts
> that  does not produce an inmediate persistence of the mind, but are long
> term,and in some circumstances  The existence of the electron, the
> existence of God, drug prohibition, the platonic realm etc.
> The accumulation of knowledge of evolutionary truths happens by many
> mechanism: biological darwinism, that develop specific circuirtry to
> recognize humans, recognize human faces,  handle social reasoning  (This
> instantiates in brain hardware the above statements about persons). There
> are also social mechanisms of accumulation of evolutionary knowledge, by
> tradition, philosophical, scientific debates, and also violent
> confrontation. among peoples and countries. The reason why Lamarkism is
> not true is more a factual consequence of the defeat of the USSR than a
> direct consequence of scientific debate. It may be said that lisenko
> Lamarkism was disastrous because ti contributed to the defeat of the
> USSR. But had the USSR won the cold war, we would accept the scientific
> truth of lamarkism, since socialism would have been sucessful and
> lamarkism is the only coherent evolutionary theory compatible with marxism,
> and darwinism is not. It would be far more painful and long term to
> convince people to get rid of it .
> All these processes are instances of a single process operating at
> differente levels: Natural selection. the proces of variation and
> selection at the biological, social political etc levels.
> Althougn this is formulated in crude materialistic terms,  This is
> identical to the classical philosophical and religious logic, that takes
> into account the reality of the whole experience of existence of the
> mind-soul in the word in all the dimensions: social and individual.   You
> may find Biblical and Philosophical texts that assimilate truth, existence
> and the good.
> 2012/11/10 Roger Clough <>
>> Is/ought and modal logic
>> 1) Hume's universe
>> The skeptic Hume said that there is the world of is, which we live in,
>> and the world of the moralists and religious folk, the world
>> as it ought to be, and there was not logical connection between them.
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> A speculation
>> The hierarchical "ladder" of modal logic below suggests that there may in
>> fact
>> be some sort of logical connection through this hierarchy or
>> ontology of logical types possibly rearranged in some ascending way
>> from the following list of types:
>> Modal Logic
>> [] It is necessary that ..
>> <> It is possible that ?
>> Deontic Logic
>> O It is obligatory that ?
>> P It is permitted that ?
>> F It is forbidden that ?
>> Temporal Logic
>> G It will always be the case that ?
>> F It will be the case that ?
>> H It has always been the case that ?
>> P It was the case that ?
>> Doxastic Logic Bx x believes that ?
>> ========================================================
>> 2) A platonist would see things quite differently:
>> Platonia, the world of reason and necessity and perfect,
>> would be more real than the dark caves we live in down here.
>> So platonists would say that platonia reality, the true world,
>> the world of being of "is"
>> The world down here is referred to by Leibniz as
>> the world of contingency. Scientists view this
>> as the actual world, so to them it would be the
>> world as it is. But a platonist wojuld see the world
>> down here--in the darkness of plato's cave-- as
>> the world as it ought NOT to be.
>>  --------------------------------------------------------
>> This all obviously needs to be better sorted out,
>> but I thought I might just send it out now for comments.
>> Roger Clough,
>> 11/9/2012
>> "Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen
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> Alberto.


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