> The argument for my view is an inference from roughly four premises:
> (1) Conscious experience exists.
> (2) Conscious experience is not logically supervenient on the physical.
> (3) If there are positive facts that are not logically supervenient on the 
> physical facts, then physicalism is false.
> (4) The physical domain is causally closed.
> (1), (2), and (3) clearly imply the falsity of physicalism. This, taken in 
> conjunction with
> (4) and the plausible assumption that physically identical beings will 
> have identical conscious experiences, implies the view that I have called 
> natural supervenience: conscious experience arises from the physical 
> according to some laws of nature, but is not itself physical.
> The various alternative positions can be catalogued according to whether 
> they deny (1), (2), (3), or (4). Of course some of these premises can be 
> denied in more than one way.
> Denying (1):
> (i) Eliminativism. On this view, there are no facts about conscious 
> experience. Nobody is conscious in the phenomenal sense.
> Denying (2): 
> Premise (2) can be denied in various ways, depending on how the entailment 
> in question proceeds—that is, depending on what sort of physical 
> properties are centrally responsible for entailing consciousness. I call 
> all of these views “reductive physicalist” views, because they suppose an 
> analysis of the notion of consciousness that is compatible with reductive 
> explanation.
> (ii) Reductive functionalism. This view takes consciousness to be entailed 
> by physical states in virtue of their functional properties, or their 
> causal roles. On this view, what it means for a state to be conscious is 
> for it to play a certain causal role. In a world physically identical to 
> ours, all the relevant causal roles would be played, and therefore the 
> conscious states would all be the same. The zombie world is therefore 
> logically impossible.
> (iii) Nonfunctionalist reductive physicalism. On this view, the facts 
> about consciousness are entailed by some physical facts in virtue of 
> their satisfaction of some nonfunctional property. Possible candidates 
> might include biochemical and quantum properties, or properties yet to be 
> determined.
> (iv) Holding out for new physics. According to this view, we have no 
> current idea of how physical facts could explain consciousness, but that 
> is because our current conception of physical facts is too narrow. When 
> one argues that a zombie world is logically possible, one is really 
> arguing that all the fields and particles interacting in the space-time 
> manifold, postulated by current physics, could exist in the absence of 
> consciousness. But with a new physics, things might be different. The 
> entities in a radically different theoretical framework might be 
> sufficient to entail and explain consciousness.
> Denying (3):
> (v) Nonreductive physicalism. This is the view that although there may be 
> no logical entailment from the physical facts to the facts about 
> consciousness, and therefore no reductive explanation of consciousness, 
> consciousness just is physical. The physical facts “metaphysically 
> necessitate” 
> the facts about consciousness. Even though the idea of a zombie world is 
> quite coherent, such a world is metaphysically impossible.
> Denying (4):
> (vi) Interactionist dualism. This view accepts that consciousness is 
> non-physical, but denies that the physical world is causally closed, so 
> that consciousness can play an autonomous causal role.
> Then there is my view, which accepts (1), (2), (3), and (4): 
> (vii) Property dualism. Consciousness supervenes naturally on the 
> physical, without supervening logically or “metaphysically”.
> There is also an eighth common view, which is generally underspecified:
> (viii) Don’t-have-a-clue physicalism: “I don’t have a clue about 
> consciousness. It seems utterly mysterious to me. But it must be 
> physical, as physicalism must be true.” Such a view is held widely, but 
> rarely in print (although see Fodor 1992). 
> To quickly summarize the situation as I see it: (i) seems to be manifestly 
> false; (ii) and (iii) rely on false analyses of the notion of 
> consciousness, and therefore change the subject; (iv) and (vi) place 
> large and implausible bets on the way that physics will turn out, and also 
> have 
> fatal conceptual problems; and (vi) either makes an invalid appeal to 
> Kripkean a posteriori necessity, or relies on a bizarre metaphysics. I 
> have a certain amount of sympathy with (viii), but it presumably must 
> eventually reduce to some more specific view, and none of these seem to 
> work. This leaves (vii) as the only tenable option.
> —David Chalmers, The Conscious Mind

My view would require an extra option in between vi and vii - 

(vi.5) Oroborean monism. Physics supervenes reflexively on its own 
(proposed) capacities to experience. Interaction is not logical but 
self-evident, with multivalent causation to and from private intention and 
public extension as ordinary sensory-motor participation. 


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